
Friday, October 27, 2006

Eat your greens

My wife and I spent some very rare time alone in the grocery store last week (read about it on her blog here.) It was nice to walk quietly among the obscenely packed rows of food, holding her hand and not having to chase after the little folks. Of course, we adore our little folks, but we also adore the very occasional times when we get to be a couple again.

When I wasn't holding her hand, I was fiddling with my camera, looking for new targets of photographic opportunity. I found it in the kale bin, just after the automatic sprinklers had done their thing. Wet leaves seem to have a texture all their own, don't you think?

Your turn: What does being alone mean to you?


  1. Holding hands in the grocery store. Carmi, you are a true romantic!

    Actually, our life is starting to focus on my hubby and I being alone. And parents of toddlers wouldn't believe me but it's kinda scary. We were so used to wrapping our lives around kids that it's a little challenging to wrap our lives around us!

    Michele sent me this morning, but as you know, I usually stop by daily. Hope you're well and that you survived Zach's big day!

  2. ahhh holding hands.... that's adorable! Being alone to me means chilling out at Barnes & Noble, browsing the stacks and reading magazines. Peace and Quiet! Michele sent me :) Great post!

  3. Being alone...?? I would have to say that it means concentration on moi. I'm one of those people who is present for people when they are in my company. I concentrate on them, I have no idea where I picked that habit up from, cuz it's nice to be all about me... watching movies, reading... listening to music, napping (cuz you have to love the nap), thinking in pure silence, in my brain, about thoughts that I want to think about, like cheese, cuz it's yummy... and the devils golden elixure. Mmmmm cheese.

  4. Romance is not dead!
    Here from Michele's.

  5. That is sweet!

    Being alone means being able to relax, just the two of us, and not worry about anything else. Probably watching a movie together with our dog or going for a walk with him. Taking a nap together is awesome too.

    Michele sent me.

  6. I'm not keen on greens and have never eaten Kale, but through the wonders of the web I can now see in detail some Kale sitting in a supermarket 4000 miles away! :-)

    Here from Micheles.

  7. That is very cute! I think my husband and I are already forgetting how to be a couple and it is kind of sad!

    Hi from Michele`s! I haven`t played the comment game for a few weeks now and I have missed it!!

  8. Alone is my default, and where I feel most comfortable. I do best alone or one-on-one. Big groups, I don't do.

  9. Michele sent me this time.

    You know, any time spending some quality alone time with my love is such a blessing, I don't think I would care how, when, or where it happened. Even if it was Walmart (oh, what a loathed entity.)

    I think that photo is kale? But I can't help be reminded of the dreaded Spinach recall! I won't be eating Spinach for, like, a year, even if they say it's safe.

  10. Alone is best though I'd not pick that state for all my time. But I need to be alone for at least a few hours a day--and a day or two a week. Not a sitution very compatible with kids or spouse though.

    Your picture is neat, Carmi. The droplets of water give the entire picture a very "fractal pattern" feel.

    Michele sent me!

  11. Very romantic, Carmi!

    Being alone means time to do whatever you want. There are times we all need someone with us, though.

    Michele sent me here.

  12. Hey, Carmi, long time no see!

    Being alone means having time to recharge. LOVE the greens photo :-)

    Hi, Michele sent me!

  13. Thanks for stopping by -- I really appreciated your imput. I will find the balance somehow. Doing what I'm doing requires 6 entries a day at my blog. We can do a maximum of 3 "opportunities", but they can't be consecutive. So, you have to put an entry of your own inbetween. But, I decided that I could put my main entry at the top, and then with WordPress, you can change the date and/or time. So, a days worth of entries could be "Main entry (about my life, -- like my blog USED to be) - then a PPP post, a filler post, PPP post, etc etc etc ... and just "time" them before the main entry. That would put them under "this is my day" entry. And then anyone intersted in what I'm promoting for PPP could scroll on down. As I mentioned, I made $27 yesterday for those 3 entries. We aren't desperate for money ... we could get by if I didn't work. But... extra money is always nice. So, I'm riding the PPP train as long as it lasts:) Just gotta find that "balance".

  14. and quiet. Reflection...time to spend with God or my thoughts without the interruption of kids.

    I want some of that lettuce...yum!

  15. I too enjoy trips to the grocery store with my husband. The photo reminds me of a winter morning. Which would be nice considering we are still in the high 80s where I am.

  16. And I can see why call it 'curly kale' in the UK.

  17. alone... not going there right now. Michele sent me

  18. Your green vegetables are too pretty to eat. What exactly is kale anyway?

    Since Jeff started his business and I work from home, I don't see him or other people that often. However, I like being alone, so that I can excavete what's in my heart and my head by reading, journaling, or meditating. Sometimes I just hang out with God a while, which sounds strange, but it's very comforting.

  19. Very pretty leaves!! Not very tasty, but very pretty :)

    Having alone time is important to me and to my sanity. But it is also wonderful to sneek some alone time with my husband without interuption and distraction. Those are precious moments.

    Here from Michele's today!

  20. Hi Carmi

    How very sweet, the hand holding.


  21. Here from Michele this time.

    Being alone? Sometimes it's scary when you know you will likely be single the rest of your life and your child is grown. But other times being alone is wonderful, time to think, time to do what you want, when you want and only if you want to do it. I see advantages in both being together and being alone.

  22. Being alone means I get to go and do all the things that I can't do when other people are around. For instance: go to the bookstore and spend hours and hours, if I want. Or rent really terrible horror movies and watch them for amusement. Or bring home a particularly rich and fabulous dessert and eat it, then curl up with a book and spend some lovely uninterrupted time.

    It's rather indulgent really, being alone. ;)

    Hello from Michele's!

  23. A nice long leisurely dinner in a non family style restaurant. It's the weekend right... I wonder??

  24. Being alone: quiet, serenity, time to reflect on life. When my kids were small, I never went to the store unless I could leave them with their father.

    Kale is excellent (both for photos and eating!). Michele sent me this time.

  25. Alone or alone together? When I was left a widow nine years ago, I who often longed to have more solitude, found the word "alone" the most frightening word ever. "Alone together". . . that can be wonderful. Those two words can mean never being lonely and always having that special person to share life with. I found that again when I married Bob five years ago. I know in my heart that you have this "alone together" with your wife and I am so happy for you.

  26. Oops, forgot to say, Hi from Michelle

  27. Ah being alone...means talking our own language switching between french and english with a few made up words we somehow understand's also holding hands, goofing around, just enjoying OUR's also the one day a week I get out of the house from caring for our borders, so its usually filled with getting groceries, or going to Cosco..or running errands..but we don't mind because we are Alone and together..our bonus is usually a nice meal in the resturant of our choice. WE always take our time over it, whether it's higher scale or just a burger at Burger King...what ever the mood dictates that matter where it may be, we appreciate it EVERYTIME.

  28. Gorgeous, yes. Did you get your arm soaked by the sprinkler to get the shot?

  29. Pearl: I came darn close! As I lined up the shot, the sprinklers kicked in and I quickly yanked the camera out of harm's way. I had visions of my brand new and frighteningly expensive camera being fried by the vegetable section sprinkler.

    My wife laughed at the scene. I waited for the water to stop, then recomposed and got the picture.

  30. i like that shot--you do sound like a romantic. As for being alone--I've mostly done that outdoors in the wild--alone except for the stars and the sound of the wind

  31. Another great picture! Any alone time with the spouse is good time when the kids are little.

  32. Cool shot... I love being alone. Alone with my Hubby, yes, and alone alone. When I'm alone I clear my head and think better.

  33. Oh, forgot to say - here from Michele's!

  34. It has been way too long since my husband and I were out of the house together without our little boy. . . And whenever we hold hands, the little one is in the middle! I appreciate the reminder.

  35. Being alone means I have the freedom to let my mind and my imagination soar....and it never means being lonely.


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