This morning's London Free Press came with a happy surprise: a letter to the editor. Yay! Looks like I have a new best friend.
1 day ago
A brief-yet-ongoing journal of all things Carmi. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll reach for your mouse to click back to Google. But you'll be intrigued. And you'll feel compelled to return following your next bowl of oatmeal. With brown sugar. And milk.
WAHOO, CARMI!!!!!Oh, you deserve this. Especially on this piece.
It's the weekend. What are you doing here? GO! PARTY!!!:)
Great column and I'm very impressed that you chose to open your site up for debate. It is disappointing to see how many people use the name Christian to describe themselves and yet unload such hate upon others. It is also heartening to read the supportive letters, from all persuasions, who can accept other viewpoints and adopt a "live and let live" philosophy. It's truly sad that so many call themselves open-minded who clearly are not any such thing.
How cool!
You wrote a great piece! It must feel great to get feedback like that on your writting!!
Aw, heck, you mean, now, in order to be your best friend, I have to write a letter to the editor about you? : adding item on "to do" list :
Congrats on the kudos! Your writing deserves every accolade.
Everyone can do with a new best friend every now and then. Well done!
I've read your column. It's great. Congratulations!
I couldn't agree more with the letter writer and with you.
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