I did a live interview with CTV's Canada AM last week (read about it here and here.) It came in the wake of an interview with the CBC (click here to see it), and capped a week of pretty exciting national television exposure.
The interviewer/host was Brigitte Anderson. I've uploaded the CTV segment via Google Video. Here it is:
Your turn: So should I chuck it all and go into television?
1 day ago
I did not recognize you without your hat. :) You did absolutely fantastic! Were you nervous? You didn't look like it. You seemed very confident. Great job!!!!
Very pro job there Carmi, you looked like a seasond reporter. You have a face for tech TV. Though your voice is different then what I would have imagined from the photo on your blog.
Wow...with all those cliches you were throwing around I say you'll be a "superstar"! ;)
WOW! It's a rare person who can write and talk exceptionally well. You oozed expertise, confidence and you were succinct. You did a great job!
Carmen...I mean Carmi, nice job.
I have no idea what you said (I do't read lips well on these little clips) but you said it very well ;) I think you'd be good for television, but don't give up your writing, eh?
Very cool to actually "see" you. Ain't technology grand?
Very nice, Carmi! If you chuck it all and go into TV, make them give you some under-eye make-up to block out the dark circles. Do you have sinus trouble? Or did the children keep you awake all night?
Great interview, and like Nortel, I don't want to be the last girl chosen at the dance either...LOL!!
Carmi, you explained it so well. Even I understood! I think you deserve a regular TV gig, but you'd have to maintain the blog, too.
I was bumbed when I missed it the first time..I was happy to see it here...It was great and u made an otherwise complicated subject(to me and many) very easy to understand. You looked calm and confident with an open air of friendlyness ....or is that just because we know u to be lol...It was awesome Carmi....
That's so awesome. You'd make a great tech reporter.
If you're going to become a superstar, I suggest going the Ben Stein renaissance man route. Speak intelligently on technical and financial topics (in fact, get a regular gig to do so), star in a comedy movie in which an exploding laptop figures prominently, and top it off with a game show gig. Doesn't "Win Carmi Levy's Money" have a nice ring to it?
you'd make a good reporter, but don't forget about us little people. What did your kids say when they saw Daddy on tv?
Go Carmi! You're totally famous now.
I think you can and will do both, Carmi...You are such a very good looking man...it appears to me, that the "camera" loves you! Smart Camera! (Lol)...
Yeah Carmi, congrats, you are my favourite celeb.. can I have your autograph? All kidding aside you are always so knowledgable and speak in a manner that not only gets the point across but educates those who get the privledge of hearing you.
A job well done!.
PS... I saw you riding down Warncliffe yesterday all decked out in Red :)
My goodness you are an eloquent fellow! You've definitely got the newscaster hair in this piece! LOL! ;-)
Great job Carmi but I have this overwhelming urge to muss up your hair a bit. Reminds me of when my dad was a newscaster in the 70s and early 80s. ;-)
AWESOME!!!! You did a great job.
I must say you look different without the hat. The suit fits you well,Carmi. *highfve* You're on your way to the tip top.
You are totally watchable, and have good camera presence.
Thanks for stopping by! Yes, totally, go into TV :)
Dude! you are sooo t.v. man! A star is born.
Hey you should look into wavx systems. Very interesting tech stock (assuming you don't already know about it). It's a hardware solution to computer security. They started generating revenue recently and their chip is being installed in many of the computers like Dell.
Carmi, has this gone now? I only see a black screen.
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