Saturday, July 22, 2006

Giant spew

It's hot outside. Not just here, but everywhere, too. Even with a/c cranked way up - or is it down? I never know... - there's something psychologically draining about endless days and weeks of hot, often humid weather. It casts an overwhelming influence over our daily lives as it shapes schedules, behaviors and moods.

So I thought a little drenching might be in order.

Your turn: The first three words that come to mind when you first see this are...? How are you staying cool? Why is the weather such a dominant theme in our lives?

One last thing: Click the image to load the high-resolution version. The texture got me as soon as I took it. I don't have the words to describe it. Maybe you'll have better luck.


Anonymous said...

Awesome! How did you ever find that shot? The ice is excellent. Cooling.

We're not keeping cool. We're keeping relatively comfortable but not cool. The AC just won't cool us down to my desired 75 degrees. It's 78 in my office right now and I'm wishing to be a tad bit cooler. Of course I'm drinking coffee... but warm on the inside is supposed to cool you on the outside, right?

Michele says Howdy!

Anonymous said...

We don't have a/c in my building, we sit too high up to attempt hanging a box out the window - since we sit 17 stories over the carpark entrance/exit.

Needless to say we have cooling towers that only "move air" not necessary cool it...

I was thinking:
1. Fire Hydrant
2. Hose Pipe

In looking at the high res pic, in reference to the electrical pole to the left, this is outside somewhere in the neighborhood, it looks too large to be a home hose or water pipe, so it must be municipal or something.

I'd kill for some pool water or even a beach!!


Anonymous said...

Looks like that would be fun to run through in my backyard. So darn humid here!

Sarie said...


Here via michele's this time.

Carli N. Wendell said...

1. Ice, ice, baby.
2. Central air.
3. Because it's one thing we can't control in this ultra-industrialized world in which we live.

Anonymous said...

Carmi, here via Michele again. You're right, the zoomed photo is a must see especially in this photo.

1. Icy
2. Bubblewrap
3. Refreshing

Bobealia... said...

sloosh from a pipe

you almost got skipped, but I noticed just in the nik of time!

Michele probably appreciates the cool down.

Anonymous said...

1. icy
2. relief

Michele sent me

Anonymous said...

Hello from Michelle.
That's such an interesting shot.
I don't think anywhere is cool. It's over a hundred over here and my AC isn't working so it's about 80 inside. hot.

Tracie Nall said...

If only it would actually leap out of the computer screen and offer some coolness!!

Seriously, that is an awesome picture. I think of cold and ice (because until I made it bigger I almost thaought that it was water and ice coming out!) when I look at it.

Thumper said...

If that were in my back yard, I'd be standing under it until dark...

Janet said...

First three words that came to mind:
spit, cicles and frostbite.

I usually find I dont have much trouble staying cool. For the most part, I'm always cold. Of course if you left me outside in NJ heat for 20 min, I'd be singing a different tune.:(

I think weather is a great universal topic. When all else fails, there is always the weather to keep the conversation flowing.:)

MorahMommy said...

Plastic bubble wrap

I was there when you took the picture so I knew what it was...but the above is what it reminds me of!

Anonymous said...

I thought of a smiling snow cone. I know, strange. The kids are staying cool by playing on the neighbors bouncy water slide. I stay in until the evening.

OldLady Of The Hills said...

Ice, Cool, Wet! THis is a GREAT picture Carmi.
I think the world is coming to an end with all this heat and humidity EVERYWHERE---including here---Help! That piece of ice makes me feel cooler just looking at it. Thanks for that, my dear.

Young Lady said...

Nice pic Carmi. I have some similar to that on my blog from the lake, way to capture it from a pipe though.

HRH Courtney, Queen of Everything said...

That's fantastic. I wish I were standing in that.

Rene said...

first three words: washing my car. I'm not sure why, maybe its the instant deluge of water when you first turn on the hose.

I'm hiding out in my house with the a/c cranked. Yesterday it hit over 110 here and we went to my folks' house to swim. The pool water was 94 so it wasn't particularly refreshing. The heat is definitely grinding us down. Tempers are short and we are too unmotivated to do anything. When we are physically miserable, it really plays on our emotions.

Anonymous said...

LOL on the A/C, and whether it's actually cranked up or down! Excellent point.

Hmmm. Three words. Snow cone. Ice. Water. (I'm counting snow cone as one.) These impressions were before I enlarged the picture, which is clearly not of ice or a snow cone.

keda said...

swoosh, shock and shivers! yum.
amazing picture again babe.
(is 'swoosh' a real word?)

kenju said...

Great shot, Carmi. My first thought was "Ice, Baby, ice" (although I have no idea where that came from). It is cooler here today; overcase and intermittently sprinkling - a welcome change from the 95+ heat of the last 2 weeks! I like hot weather, but the humidity gets to me. I stay in the house and thankfully, the air conditioning system works like a charm!

Michele sent me.

Jean-Luc Picard said...

Lots and lots of cool drinks!

Michele sent me here.

MorahMommy said...

It's making me thirsty!

Michele sent me...but I would be here anyway!

Shan said...

Curious- Who is Michele and why does he or she send troops of commentariat here?

Unique Designs from Zazzle said...

ahhhhh oh yeah (those are the first 3 words that come to mind)

Panthergirl said...

I thought it was BUBBLEWRAP!!!!! LOL!!!

Here via michele again, Carmi!

Anonymous said...

Outstanding photo! I live in the hot dry climate of Colorado as you know. It's hard to explain it..drought and heat and sun (at 5280')...different than along the Gulf Coast of the USA where I lived a long time. But it's still HOT.

Anonymous said...

Carmi, the first thing I thought when I saw that picture was "Whoa! Attack of the crystalline blob creature!" I didn't even know that it was ice; I thought it was some form of wadded up plastic on top of a washing machine. Must be because I'm using the laptop instead of the nice high resolution PC.

Oh, and Michele did not send me; I missed that all together. I came on my own tonight because I needed a nice calming dose of Carmi. Thank you!

shpprgrl said...

I'm trying to keep cool but it's not really working. Love the pic of the ice. I love crunching on it, even though I probably shouldn't and it drives others crazy. My FAVORITE place to go right now, is a store where we vacation. When you buy ice, you have to go into a walk-in freezer to get it. It is awesome and a wonderful way to cure hot flashes. I've joked about applying for a job as an ice stacker. ;)

Carola said...

to me it looks like cling wrap - or what i think you 'overseas' people call 'shrink wrap'...and it looks like someone has gone round and round and round in a circular shape and made this hollow wrap of air... thats soo cool! Like the guy who makes the sticky tape people and babies and has them 'strategically' positioned around his city... fantastic!
Marks site is and if you haven't seen it before, check out the Storker Project! Thats what it reminds me of! (or similar)