Friday, July 21, 2006

Multiple exposure?

Birds in Flight - Port Stanley, ON, July 5, 2006

This is, in fact, not a multiple exposure. I was lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time. I may even admit to chasing the odd flock of seagulls on that day to improve my chances of bringing something worthwhile home.

Yeah, that's me: bird-chaser.

Your turn: Are you heading to the beach this weekend? If not, what's on tap?


Queen of Light and Joy said...

Leave it to you *cough* bird chaser *cough* to do what it takes to get the perfect photo. You’re so dedicated to your craft. *smile* Great photo.

Michko said...

Unfortunately, I live smack dab in the middle of the U.S., so no beach for me.

Here from Michele's.

utenzi said...

Michele sent me, Carmi.

The thought of it being a multiple exposure would not have occured to me, Carmi, but once you point it out--it sure does look like one. I've got a lot of pics of birds that have a strobe-like effect because the damn things take off just when I'm taking a picture. Damn birds! And so the body comes out pretty well but the wings are just a faint blur. Unfortunately that doesn't look very good but your picture is great.

No plans for me this weekend. My truck is really giving me problems so I might trade it in (it's over 7 years old now) and get me something new--but that's not likely. I hate to spend that much money!

Michele sent me!

Rene said...

Hi Carmi! I was actually at the ocean last night. No, I'm not going to the beach, it is going to be a big pile of humanity this weekend with our inland temps so high. I'm going to hide in my a/c house and do nothing.

Sarie said...

Nope, Not really a beach close to Memphis.

Plans? Phhhhhhhhhft who knows. Sleep. Run hopefully (if it cools off at all!).

Here via Michele this time.

kenju said...

I WISH! We were there last weekend, and I will have to content myself with the memories. We will be oging back, but not until Sept (when it will be cooler and less crowded).

Great photo, as usual, Carmi! Have a good weekend yourself.

RennyBA said...

Lovely captured - the pic is breath taking!
I'm on vacation in Sweden, so I'll promise I will have a great time:-)

RennyBA said...

Forgot to say: Hello, Michele sent me and I ad Hi from Norway!

MorahMommy said...

Yes, I would like to go the beach this weekend. (hint, hint, hint) :)

You took that picture on our anniversary...while I enjoyed the beach, relaxing, reading, you happily played in the sand and chased the birds.

It was a fun day and I enjoy looking at the beach through your eyes!!

rashbre said...

synchronised seagulls eh! Nice shot. No beach this weekend but I think we are going to some kind of open air concert if the weather stays as fine here as it has been today.

rashbre said...

oops and Michele sent me!

Anonymous said...

No beach. We're having the remnents of hurricane/tropical storm Beryl right now, and it should continue on and off all weekend. So we hit the library and got a bunch of movies, some books, and I'm going to bake tomorrow. Scones, muffins, and a cake.

Sunday the Girl comes home from camp. It's been so peaceful. Sob. She's home for a week and then gone for another week.

vanx said...

I am headed to Ambler Pennsylvania. I don't want to talk about it.

Anonymous said...

The beach is 1000's of miles away from me unfortunately. I'm cleaning house for some out of state guests that will be here next week. Here from michele

Anonymous said...

You will not be able to drag me out of the a/c this weekend. No freaking way. Well maybe at night when it cools down to oh....100?

Michele says hi by the way.

Anonymous said...

Whoa, that's cool! I have tons of seagull shots, but nothing like that.

We live 2 miles from the Atlantic Ocean. The beach is so crowded this time of year with tons of traffic. And on a day like today, when the heat index is above 100, even the ocean breezes don't help. I prefer to go in the Spring and Fall, actually.

Canadian Mark said...

Spectacular work, as usual. Good job, too, on admitting that these things don't always "just happen". You, in fact, had to chase down a flock of birds, and probably took upwards of fifty useless shots of beaks and wing-tips in the process.

You get what you give - I always say - But then sometimes, you just get lucky.

Michele sent me today.

I'm doing absolutely as little as possible this weekend, in order to gear up for a new job that I start on Monday - Digital Archive Specialist - Catchy, eh?

Anonymous said...

hi again from michele

LBA said...

Those seagulls remind me of the 1950's style ducks people used to nail over the mantlepiece ( um, not real ducks though.. ;)

A clear sunny CRISP day in winter here .. I think we'll get stuck into the garden today. No beach for us !

Catherine said...

Great photo! too cold for the beach here in New Zealand. I will probably be doing exciting things like laundry, baking and supermarket shopping. And maybe some writing.

Catherine said...

I forgot to say, Michele sent me.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog. A comment from a bona-fide journalist? I'm flattered. Do take the time to have regular "dates" with you wife! You won't regret it.

No beach for me but I'm planning on walking across the Golden Gate Bridge.

Carli N. Wendell said...

Central Park, if I can get my lazy ass out of bed.

Carli N. Wendell said...

And Michele sent me.

Anonymous said...

You got it, dude! I'll be making the trek tomorrow and will blog about it in the evening.

BTW, have you seen my 100 Things list in my sidebar? It's everything you'd ever want to know and more!! Enjoy!

Thumper said...


It's way too hot to think of venturing out this weekend. I think I'll stay home and watch TV, melting my mind along with my sanity...

Maggie Lamarre said...

No beach for me.
I have to plant 375 this weekend to redo the garden. I know I'm going to be sore come Monday morning.
How about you?
Have a great weekend,

Queen of Light and Joy said...

Carmi... Michele sent me, but as you and I know Michele doesn't really have to send me. Thats' just my way of saying that I came to say hi, you know, because I'm a shy kind of person and all. *coy smile*

Sandy said...

People that live at (or just next to) the beach are an odd lot. Most of the 'locals' in my town avoid the beach like plague on summer weekends. Too crowded. Too loud. Too chaotic.

Instead I will hit the loud, chaotic, crowded Ice Cream festival held in our quaint downtown district.

As always, love the photo.

Florence Forrest said...

good shot Carmi.

I live very near the beach, Moreton Bay Queensland. I might go for a walk down there on Sunday if the weather is pleasent. I must get out of the house! too much blogging and sewing, I'm turning into a mushroom.

Michele sent me;)

Sarah Jane said...

What a great idea! If I can get my butt outta bed early enough to beat the mad Londoner's rush to Brighton I will go for sure. God, I need some beach. I am coming back to Canada for a couple of weeks for work and I am ITCHING for the cottage lake. Needing some lake right now. London is so polluted, the trains are too hot, they all shut down in the summer and I always arrive far too late for work. Need some water. Good call!

Thanks for the visit to my site as always!

PS) do you ever get random dickheads commenting on your blog and what do you do about them?

Jenny said...

Great shot, Carmi! I do envy your ability to find those moments to capture.

via Michele tonight :)

srp said...

Here from Michele.
Not going to the beach, but did take a little trip today from Virginia Beach to the big apple. Brooklyn to be exact. Already, I can see that this is a photographic paradise and I have died and come here to take pictures to my heart's content. But I did have to bring my daughter's old laptop and I just am not good with the sliding finger pads and the heat and I keep feeling the bottom and the plugin to see if it will soon explode. Right now I am sooo sleepy I cannot keep my eyes open or my words straight or this computer typing correctly. Good night.

Anonymous said...

Beach? Doubt it.... Hoping to do a whole lot of nothing this weekend....

Michele says howdy!

***I always knew this place was for the birds.... figures you'd go and prove it!


Lisa said...

not this weekend, but NEXT weekend this landlocked lass in beachward bound!! :-)

HRH Courtney, Queen of Everything said...

Comedian Brian Regan, at a New Hampshire beach town. Unfortunately, the weather will not be boardwalk encouraging. But Brian will be hysterical.

Diane said...

Great shot, as always!

We have thunderstorms here, so unfortunately, no beach visit is in my near future. Luckily, I have your pictures to enjoy, though!

Young Lady said...

Just got back from fishing and beach life, now finishing laundry up and heading out again friday, check out my blog for great shots

Jennifer said...

No beach for us. It's raining.

Sandy J said...

Love the pic! Dallas-Fort Worth area is not near a beach but have lots of lakes to visit.

Bobealia... said...

laundry, cleaning, blogging, writing, and maybe a movie

Bobealia... said...

opa - here from Michele's encore.

sage said...

I had to work to catch up on being gone for ten days!