
Saturday, July 17, 2004

Pretty Postings

Just noticed this wonderful world of blogging now supports color. No, I'm not going to suddenly go all crazy on you and post everything in a multi-hued assault on your retinas. But every little technical enhancement to the writer's toolkit is, by definition, a good thing on the assumption that the writer can treat it with the respect it deserves.
Analogy: The Force. You do remember the whole Star Wars, Obi-Won/Luke deal, right? If not, walk softly and carry a big stick ought to cover it.
While we're on the subject of the circus effect, try to avoid emulating a "columnist" who writes for a pathetic little rag in the old country (aka Quebec), who to this day insists on punctuating key words with asterisks in between the letters! And this while also using bold and italic and whatever other "enhancement" the editor allows. I'm getting a headache just thinking of it.
Feel free to share your literary war stories in the Comments below. The best examples of idiotic writing will win a prize. No promises on its ultimate worth, however. My everlasting appreciation should hold ya.

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