
Sunday, February 06, 2005

Unloading Gmail invitations...

It looks like Google is opening up its Google Mail (Gmail) service. Many users (most? all?) have now been granted as many as 50 invitations to share.

For some reason, they've seen fit to add such functionality to my account. They obviously did not learn from their first experience with me (kidding!)

Seriously, please comment below if you want a Gmail account. Then dig into the comments on your own blog, pick as many folks as you want, and send them a comment on their own blogs with the following message:
"Carmi's giving away free Gmail accounts at"
I'm hoping you'll all help me get rid of them as soon as is humanly possible.

And, yes, this is a shameless attempt to boost traffic. I'll try anything - except acid and other mind-altering substances - at least once.

But that acid that cleans the oil stains off the garage floor is OK.


  1. I feel your pain. I sent out a gmail offer to everyone in my address book at one point and managed to get rid of 4 invitations. What the heck am I supposed to do with 50?

    Find some new friends, I guess ...

  2. ...some will tell you that Coca Cola is good for oil stains in the drive way, too.

    What is Gmail (besides being an email provider) and why is it so important to have an invitation and all that stuff? I've never understood that.

  3. Hey! I'm visiting here from Michele's site...
    Just saying hi.
    And I'm totally with you on that crazy thing for Gmail. I have a few emails there, and it's like, oh my goodness. 50! I could barely get rid of three. :)

  4. You mean, like this?

    Mellie Helen's giving away free Gmail accounts at!Yeah, I've got 'em too. Want one, Carmi? ;)

  5. I don't understand it. I suddenly have 100 invites! Why don't they just do away with the invitations and just let those who want to sign up?

  6. wearedoomed: I'd love to send you a Gmail invite, but you didn't leave your e-mail address in your comment. Your link leads back to a dead-ended site. Let me know and the invite will go out hastily. Hope to hear from you soon: that'll bring me down to 49 :)

  7. Is still available? If it's not, I'd still like a gmail account anyway.

  8. Yes the exclusivity og gmail has faded. I think I was only ever able to give away 2 gmail invites before. I may have to change my my Master Plan (to take over the world) as one of the steps required creating a core cadre of the Gmail Illuminate (Secret masters of the internet) can't have that if everyone has gmail.

  9. I don't want one but I'll give you a plug on my blog... Maybe you'll return the 'favor'... :)


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