
Monday, May 23, 2005

The journey begins...

We've all learned that every journey begins with but one step. In this case, it's the turn of a little guy's foot on the pedal. May all his journeys take him precisely where he wants to go. May he learn early on that you learn as much along the way as you do when you get there. And may he always have someone beside him to help show him the way.


  1. Precious, Carmi! Following in Dad's footsteps-- er, wheeltrails.

  2. Oh, the memories, of my first bicycle.. That was LOOONG ago.

    I had a blue huffy with a banana seat!

    More milestones for you and your son.


  3. The one thing I really loved about the Netherlands was the families on bikes. Not just for pleasure but everyday like we use cars. I would see a mother with one or two on her bike, a dad with a baby and while they rode another child was supervised and given a push when they fell behind. You are building great memories that will not be forgotten when he reaches adulthood.


  4. Cute pic. I can't wait for my three to start riding their trikes. When they have their helmets on they are adorable.

  5. That's beautiful. May you always be there for him to fall back on.

  6. That's a wonderful picture. It brings back so many memories. Thanks!

  7. Ahem... If I may be so bold as to amend Tara's comment...

    " And may he learn that if he falls off, to get up, brush him self off, get stitches if necessary... and start all over again!"

    This correction is the result of strong memories of my first day riding a bike without training wheels.

  8. Lovely, he is lucky to have you as his daddy!


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