
Thursday, July 28, 2005

Blogroll backlog

Time-out for maintenance discussion...

I've fallen immensely behind in maintaining my blogroll (see sidebar). In fact, I've fallen behind in maintaining the sidebar as a whole. I've been so busy with writing, work and life in general that I've barely been involved in maintaining my blog's health and happiness. Priorities...

(I won't even begin to talk about my inability to comment on anyone else's blog. Please don't assume I've abandoned you...I just have too much on my plate these days.)

In reviewing my comments, I notice a number of you have added me to your blogroll. If you have done so - or are thinking about it - please let me know and I will add you to my own during my next round of site edits. And let's not forget: a huge thank you to you all. Without readers, I'd be talking to myself.

Thanks in advance.

Your turn:
  1. Please let me know if you've blogrolled me (i.e. added me to your list of favorites).
  2. Similarly, let me know if you'd like me to do the same (I'm assuming so, but you never know.)
  3. Even more similarly, kindly let me know if a current entry for your site needs to be updated...basically, this is your chance to set me straight.


  1. This makes two of us, so at the very least you have company. I've actualy stopped posting as much as I would like to in light of work and lack of inspiration. :) Still swingin' by though only that today it is, indeed, thanks to Michelle. Hope you have a great long weekend, weather is looking fantastic.



  2. Unfortunately life does sometimes get in the way of blogging. Of course, if it didn't we might have nothing to blog about. Michele sent me.

  3. You are safely ensconced in my blogroll, and I am happily providing the foundation for yours. No updating required. And I came here all by myself.

  4. Coincidentally, I added you to my favourites list this morning (before I came and read your entry). I'd love to be on your list.

    Summer is such a busy time. Fun, yes but busy. Almost makes me pine for those long evenings in, staring mindlessly at the television or playing Sorry with the kids on the living room floor....almost.

  5. I am having the same problems. Summer hit and all of a sudden I can't seem to keep up!

    Well of course I have you blogrolled - you're one of my favorites! :)

  6. I have you on my blogroll...but I'm not on yours. Poor poor pitiful me!

    No one sent me. either, lol...I wandered here all on my own.

  7. Yours was included in the first set of links I ever posted, and of course it's still there.

  8. Hi Carmi - I've blogrolled you and would be pleased an honored if you decided to reciprocate. :)

    And, for whatever it's worth, if you were so un-busy that you could blog all the time, what would you blog about? Television, maybe. Or politics. Or the state of the rivers in Africa. Ok, nevermind. There'd be plenty to blog about even if you had all the time in the world.

    My point is (wait, did I have a point? Yes, yes I did), being busy is much preferable to the alternative, because it means you're out there living. And that's cool. :)

  9. You have been on my Blogroll for some time now. he he he

    And I am on yours.

    I look forward to reading here each day. You bring a specific "charm" to my blogworld.


  10. I understand where you're coming from. My sidebars are out of control. I keep adding blogs to my bloglines and then i realize that I havent read any blogs in over two months. The internship I'm doing now doesn't leave much time for doing fun internet stuff. I'm so behind!

  11. Hello (or Allo), Michele sent me!

  12. I've had you blogrolled through bloglines for a bit now.
    Found you through sxKitten.
    I enjoy your photos and the little bits of family life you share with us.
    Feel free to add me if you like.

  13. CARMI!!!!

    Here via Michele tonight, but I do have you on my blogroll. Have a great weekend!

  14. I found you through Michele, and added you to my roll because I really enjoy your writing.

    Would love reciprocity, if you're so inclined.

  15. I have thought about blogrolling you. Just haven't done it yet. i get sidetracked too easily these days.
    Love your pictures :)
    and i don't expect you to blogroll me. Just wanted you to know i want to blogroll you because you asked ;)

  16. I have had yo on my blogroll also :)
    It is your choice whether you choose to blogroll me back or not ...I will keep you on mine regardless ..
    I hope you are having a great weekend and I definately know what it is like to get busy with life and not stay caught up on my blogroll
    Michele sent me this time ...

  17. If I didn't have a life, I wouldn't have anything to blog about, yes? Here via Michele's today!

  18. Holy crap... I just realized you weren't on my blogroll... I think I may just add you.

    Michele says hello!

  19. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  20. As soon as my hosting company can fix it so that I don't get "Forbidden" errors whenever I go to modify my MovableType templates, I will be adding a blogroll and WILL add you! :)

  21. I've added you to my blogroll (you've got a great blog); you can add me if you like!


Please note that Written Inc. has been set up so that all comments must first be moderated before they go live on the blog. I apologize for the inconvenience, but this is to ensure bots and trolls don't muck up the works. If you have any difficulty leaving a comment here as a result, please feel free to email it to carmilevy AT gmail DOT com. Thank you for your understanding.