
Monday, December 05, 2005

More search engine madness

Written Inc. continues to grow in popularity with the freaks of the world: the site is now the #1 result for the following search string on Google:
Injects random swear words over VOIP
Lovely. My mother would be so proud.

Your turn: As part of my ongoing quest to understand how oddballs and weirdos find your sites, what bizarro search terms have been showing up in your stats? Come on, don't be embarrassed; we all have 'em.


  1. "jungle juice poppers england"
    "sesame street manahmanah"

    Those are the top two searches that bring people to my site.

    The first one sounds almost like a headline, no?

  2. I checked it, Carmi and I am bamboozled by what keywords get people to my site:

    1. main lesson in the harp of Burma
    2. horse-ladder-desert
    3. American trees containing all five vowels

    The second one is the only ont that makes sense to me. I have NO idea what brought those other to me.

  3. Nice blog, Carmi. There's an interesting site about currency trading at currency trading.

  4. Sexy suckable toes!

    Google really lead him on a wild goose chase that day!

  5. This one came in this morning:

    actual 911 binge drinking phone call

    My site is ranked #2 by Google for this string.

  6. Both of these come up regularly
    "armpit smothering"
    "genevieve gorder feet"

  7. Yikes!

    1. Stories of husband chained in cage.
    2. Chained in high heels.
    3. Stories husband spent night chained in cage
    4. Reflexes during cremation (huh?)

  8. Don't poke the Penguin seems to be a common one for my blog.
    I am number one for Google and Narnia cast interviews but that is a good thing LOL

  9. How do you get your stats from Google??

  10. Hi Bhakti. I don't get the stats directly from Google. I read them from my Sitemeter "By Referrals" report. It shows the referring URL that the visitor was on just before loading up my blog.

    In the case of a search engine, the search string is wound up in the actual URL. You can click on it to follow the link back to the search engine to see where your web site ranks in that search.

    Give it a try and let us know if it works.

  11. My classic search string is from Google Images... someone searched for "hit that cervix" and got the picture I took of myself after the epidural kicked in during labor. I'm not sure that was what they were looking for, but I was ROFL about their luck!!


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