
Thursday, January 12, 2006

Quoted - Toronto Star

Tyler Hamilton's column in today's Toronto Star (Canada's highest-circulation newspaper) includes a quote from someone my kids know rather well. It's entitled Consumers fuel hi-tech surge, and here's what I said:

Carmi Levy, a technology analyst with Info-Tech Research Group Inc. in London, Ont., said the demand for iPod-like gadgets and online services has always been there, but a major bottleneck was bandwidth. Without high-speed Internet connections in most homes, people weren't able to download music or video or easily access services like Google Maps.

"In the late 1990s there was a lot of services that were promised that would revolutionize the way we live, but the bandwidth wasn't there," he said, adding that the ubiquity of high-speed and wireless technologies has changed the game. "Now we can run sophisticated applications on the Internet because we have the pipes."

Me again...

Your turn: The thesis of Mr. Hamilton's piece explores whether or not we're into another tech boom. Are we? Could a return to the zaniness of the late '90s (think eyeballs and clickthroughs and a total disregard for simple things like profit) be upon us?


  1. Hi Carmi! Remember me? Hope you're well.

    In answer to your question, I think we're into another level because there are many previously tech-fearing adults willing to venture in with iPods or internet connections. In fact, it feels like we're at a point where we, as consumers, WANT the technology and it's not quite ready yet. We experienced that when I bought my husband an XM Radio for Christmas. He loved it but we couldn't get a signal despite a very southern exposure. Alas, our demand was premature to the supply.

    Anyway, it's a fascinating time to live in. Thanks for the question!

  2. I don't think it'll be quite like the last one, but we are trotting through a boom right now.

    Computers are getting faster and more powerful, gadgets like iPods, Blackberry's and camera phones are commonplace.

    I remember when 64MB of RAM was a lot for a computer, now my company has just made 1GB policy.

    Technology is cool, we just have to remember to be smart about it.

  3. not only do your offspring know you, but so do your parental units. once again you explained technology in ordinary laymans terms , making it easy for we mortal souls to digest the meaning of new & exciting innovatione. many thanx. dad

  4. Trouble with bandwidth is it get used. The best apps are the ones that make do with less, and then when the pipe is big enough they just work all the better. I tried using e-mail on a cruise and the e-mail app was such a piggish beast with javascript and ajax and this and that, uggh. Gimme plain html puhleez!

  5. Your kids know Carmi!!!

    (Fan mob screaming......)

  6. I'll be honest. I have no idea. I know what' there. I use what's available. If there is a boom, does this mean I should start looking at tech stocks again?

    visiting from michele's

  7. A boom? I'm not sure. I know that without technology, not much happens. How do I know this? Our computer at work (the server) crashed today. There was NOTHING to do. I vaccumed the floor because there was nothing better to do, because the computer wouldn't work.

    Ok, so now I've figured out how to get everyone's house cleaner. Crash the computer, clean the house. :)

    Michele sent me....this time.

  8. I hope not. Really. It just causes a surge in Almighty Dollar worship.

  9. I am all for another level of technology. But, then again, I'm always a few years behind ;)

    Hello from Michele's! Have a great weekend!

  10. Look at you being quoted...good post Carmi....Michele sent me

  11. Our knowledge increase as time goes by which consequently, results in our advancement in science and technology. Things can only get better. Internet might have just started 15 years ago but it is now one of the most important universal communication platforms.

    Also, I wrote an article sometime ago on “Who Invented The Web?” which I think you might find interesting. If interested just check October’s archive.

    By the way, Michelle sent me.

  12. Hey Carmi!

    I honestly don't know. Technology to me is helpful yet I can think of reasons why it's getting out of hand. Not sure if that answers the question! I visited your wife's blog! It's great too!

    Michelle sent me!

  13. I am harly a techie, but in my humble opinion, while it does seem to be heating up again I don't think it will be the same. The first time was innocent. If there is another it will be calculated.

  14. Honestly, Not sure.....but money talks and if the consumer will will be there.

    BTW: Your kids are sooooo adorable!!!

    Here via Michele's tonight!

  15. Allo Carmi!

    Aren't we in another tech boom? If not, then I would say we are definitely on the cusp of one. I don't mind. I'm a geek!

  16. I think so, every time I turn around there is some new wonderful device. It makes me optimistic for the future, that we with our minds can conquer any challenge.

    Michele sent me.

  17. When I started my first job in the industry, they handed me "Crossing the Chasm." I think we've crossed on great expanse and now we're standing on the edge of another.

    Just when all the normal folks caught up, early adopters are on to the next thing. Cycle never ends, just ebbs and flows.

    Stopping in by way of Michele tonight.

  18. You're asking me ? I am still on dialup , quaint huh LOL

  19. I'm thinking that we probably are, and technology does seem to be taking into consideration the profits that will be gained. Just look at the iPod. Old folks back here had no clue about iTunes or Mac-related softwares, but they started buying these little gadgets when they were launched because it was somehow something that they can relate to, and something that made them feel like they were growing with the changes in technology. But not necessarily dipping their whole hand into the whole tech world which they are most probably still afraid of exploring. Did I answer the question at all? hehe...

  20. Nope, not in the least. As a person who worked in the IT industry for 21 long years, we're never going to see another boom like that. What we're seeing now is different devices carrying pretty much the same old, same old. The cell phone technology is european, the new IPODS are all made overseas and run the same basic OS, and ditto for the hand helds. Nobody is making new software anymore, and nobody is funding it either.

  21. I hope we won't see a return to the idiocy of the late 90's.

    I don't think we're in a boom. I think tech is a growth industry, and will be for the forseeable future. I don't think we're seeing boom conditions, merely the result of interrupted growth.

  22. i believe we are in the middle of another tech boom. one can hardly keep up with how fast companies are churning out music players, phones, high-def tvs and the like! i actually just bought a 3g nokia phone at a pretty exorbitant price only to find out a month later that nokia came up with a much better one at the same price! aaargh...:)

  23. Hmmm... were we ever *out* of the tech boom?!?! How come I never noticed??

    (Still, interesting blog altogether, I'll keep an eye on ya)

  24. its coming, viiv, dual core processers ......

  25. I too think we're on the cusp of another leap forward. It would be nice to see wireless technology throughout the western world and then take it everywhere.


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