
Sunday, February 05, 2006

Hidden color

I took a walk at lunch this week. It was cold and gray outside, and I had no expectations of capturing anything worthwhile with my camera. Days like this tend to suck the color out of most scenes, rendering them washed-out, dull and melancholy.

But the river that defines this city had flooded its banks, and I wanted to see it up close before the water receded. So off I went with an iPod in my ears (playing the score from Jim Carrey's Truman Show) and my camera in my trench coat pocket. Not even my woolie hat, scarf and mitts could ward off the chill.

My hunch turned out to be correct: the flood scenes were decidedly mundane. I snapped some pictures of the Canadian geese and turned for home. As I walked past one of the towering trees beside the flooded banks, I noticed a stab of color in the bark and thought it would be neat to explore. Here's the result.

Your turn: Can you see anything in this image? I once again find myself thinking that there's something there. But I can't quite put my finger on it. What do you think? Posted by Picasa


  1. Top right are the three faces of the king- one has distinct features, looking upon two soldiers guarding the gilded royal coach.

    Here today, via Michele's.


  2. There is something, but like you I can't figure out what it is. It's been very gray around my place this past week too.

    Here via Michele's this time.

  3. It must be that time of year. The river running through the middle of our town is overflowing its banks as well.

    I looked and looked at that picture, and like you I feel like I should see something, but can't quite.

    My kids say they can see a face, but even after pointing it out to me, I still can't see it. I can see a bird foot, though! :-)

  4. Hmm. I did post a comment, but its disappeared?

  5. Oh lord don't even let me start.
    I can see the world in an image and what a great one to work from..
    But for me this image says more to me then what it look like but what it represents..
    The tree and all it had to do to get to this point shows. Every day and every storm and every dry time.. It shows it all...
    Wonderful image..

  6. there is a hand turning a dial or something like that. .... or if you tilt your head just so you see old man winter blowing the winds.
    i love photos like this of such texture and character.
    i'm here via michele's

  7. I can see a face and it is wearing an old fashioned flying helmet and googles ala Amelia Earhart. No I am not on drugs.

    Michele sent me

  8. oops... premature hit of the enter button...

    Anyway, since I've already been here today, this time I took the opportunity to take a gander at some of your pics over to the right in the side bar. Your one little guy... I'm assuming is your youngest son... I get the feeling he is quite the charmer!! Must be those eyes! :-) You have a beautiful family!!

  9. I think it looks like a gorilla face, but that's just me. It's very cool.

    Glad you're back up and operating. Michele sent me, but I'm a regular!

  10. Sorry can't figure out what it is.

    Michele sent me.

  11. BEAUTIFUL Photo, Carmi.
    I know what you mean...I feel I see something like a face or a person in that beautufully knarled trunk...GREAT!

    Here from Michele this afternoon!

  12. I see a face, part of it is where the pinkish color is, but it's kind of like the Elephant Man.

    Michele sent me back, Carmi, and I'm always happy to come here.

  13. To me, it looks like the tree has elephant man's disease. I love photos of bark. They're always so intense.

    Here via Michele today.

  14. It's an alien, dude. It's trying to hide by clinging to the tree. Due to the colour, I think it's a baby alien. Sure glad I don't live there!!

  15. At first sight the pink part in the upper left corner looked like an carved angel (like on a tombstone!) I had to look again to make sure it wasn't.

  16. Hello, Michele sent me.
    I didn't see it on my own but once I looked for something, I saw it. The right half of a monster's face (a la Phantom) and the three fingered hand next to it.

  17. Michele sent me, Carmi.

    That picture is soooo gross! LOL The bark reminds me of one of those scenes in a SF movie like Alien where the humans are embedded in goo. Maybe this interpretation says more about me than the tree, huh?

  18. It looks like part of a face to me.
    Michele sent me today.

  19. I dunno....I thought I saw a face, and then I thought I didn't.

    What I did see is all is not gray and blah in your neck of the woods after all!

    Michele sent me...this time!

  20. I think I see an old petrified troll. (friendly one).

  21. I must be VERY VERY Tired..cause I left your comment over on Michele's..OH NURSE..(lol)

    I saw this face in the tree trunk...over on the right. Eyes and a nose, peeking out betwen the other folds...can you see it?

    I'm sure there is much more here, too! Amazing photo!!!

  22. ah HA! It took me all dang evening, but I finally see the face my kids kept trying to make me see.

    And people say I'm blonde...p'shaw..

  23. What a beautiful old tree. For an antiCrunch non-treehugger, I love trees. ;)

    I see faeries and pixies all over. No, I'm not crazy, I've just been able to remain child-like in my heart. If I have some time, probably tomorrow between avoiding laundry and emptying the dishwasher, I'll highlight them.


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