
Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Doug speaks of community

Doug Burgum is a Senior Vice President at Microsoft, and he delivered this morning's keynote. He spoke eloquently about the meaning of community, and as is so often the case when he speaks, the discussion transcended the world of technology. Whether or not you work in technology, you owe it to yourself to watch the podcast to get a sense of what makes a person excel both in business and in life. (The link to the podcast is here. The transcript link is supposed to be here, but it seems to be down at the moment.)

He ended his talk with a quote that reinforced why we need to take the time to consider the perspective of those around us. It is from anthropologist Margaret Mead (1901-1978). Here it is:
"Never underestimate that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."
I'll explore this more in a later post. I simply wanted to let you all know that while I often write about the technological components of everyday life, it is with a broader view of how said technology can be used to change the world.


  1. I love that quote of Margaret Meads...It is so true. I'll be interested in hearing that PodCast, Carmi. Hope you are having a wonderful sounds like it, from where I sit!

  2. oh, one of my most favorite quotes-we have it up at our community center..thanks for reminding me-and will look for the podcast too.

  3. I love that quote. So powerful. Its on a postcard that I bought from the National Holocaust Museum in D.C. Have you visited it?

  4. I read your notes on Doug Burgum, and found myself smiling. Doug is one of the most down to earth, nicest guys I know! I have know Doug, his ex-wife and their three children for years. There is a kindness in their interactions with each other and those in their world that draws you in and make you feel priveleged to call them friend. I do not have the words to tell you just how much your observations of Doug during his speech reflect who he is as a man. (You have to admire a man who plays on a summer softball team, has a wood burning furnace in his home, while taking care to always replace fallen trees with new growth, drops off and picks up his own chidren from school, and gave his own mother's eulogy. This is a nice man!)


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