
Sunday, March 12, 2006

Watch this - but not with your kids

Here's why managing SCM is so critical in today's interdependent economy.

OK, it's a funny-as-hell video from FedEx. Bless the wondrous people of YouTube for sharing such gems with us.


  1. LOL! Michele sent me this time, Carmi!

  2. Hey! Another Canadian!

    Site is too funny. Glad Michele sent me.

  3. heehee... That was very funny. And the coffee "spit take" that I did on this end was pretty amusing, too.

  4. ha! I'm still partial to Fed-ex's cave man commerical. I have indeed gotten yelled at by the boss because two different third party carriers messed up shipments to the very same trade show (through no fault of my own, mind you). As such, I so very much relate to the poor cave guy. "But Fed-ex doesn't exist yet!" And the boss says "Not my problem."

  5. A GOOD LAUGH!!! LOL LOL LOL! Thanks Carmi, very very much.

  6. OK...I'm going to have to check that out, but since my little ones are sitting right behind me, I will heed your warning and look at it later... :)

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  7. Too funny, that old guy wasn't sure just what hit him :)


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