
Sunday, March 05, 2006

Why I write

I often wonder why I feel compelled to write. I'm sure lots of folks around me wonder the same thing. I've always assumed that I was struck by lightning sometime during conception. But even though I was born with a predisposition to stringing words together, I still marvel at the constant motivation to create new works for others to read.

Here's why I think it still jazzes me:
  • Nothing fulfills me as much as picking up a pen and leaving pieces of myself on the page.
  • Nothing validates my soul as much as sharing the above with people I care about.
  • I love knowing that I can make complete strangers smile, frown, cry, or otherwise commit to significant changes in their lives.
  • Every time I write, I remember sitting on my grandfather's lap as he rocked in his big old rocking chair and told me stories.
  • When I'm gone, what I leave behind will be a far richer legacy to my kids than a mere stack of pictures.
Your turn: Why do you write. How does it fulfill you? How do you use your writing to touch others?


  1. It depends on what I'm writing - but for the most part, I write because there is something deep inside me begging to get out. I could ignore it, but the nagging is overwhelming.

    I write because it allows me to share a piece of the real me with my children. It's so easy to be the 'abstract' parent and not a person beyond Mommyhood/Daddyship. I hope my children can read my work some day and see that I was also a person just like they are.

  2. Hello Michele sent me. I'm glad to hear how writing jazzes you up. Why do I write? It slow-motions thought so I can pin it and dissect it and understand what I read and write. And for teh sheer joy of sound down.

  3. I've written my whole life. I was a paid writer for 22 years, writing the world's most boring technical books. I write because I'm terribly introverted and rarely am able to speak my mind, but when I'm writing, watch out. I have lots to say, but with social anxiety, writing on my blog enables me to get out all the things that go through my mind. I like to entertain, to inform, to be thought provoking, and occasionally to inspire.

    I've been documenting life with my kids since my pregnancy, and I've got thousands of pages. They often google me to read the old stuff and they can't believe that I've kept it all. But that's the joy of Google, eh?

  4. I write because it cleanses my soul. I always had that secret dream that I would be a writer when I grew up. I still haven't grown up and my blog is fulling that dream!

  5. Gee the quick answer is I'm a writer and writers write. I do a fair amount of technical writing for my day job. My blog provides an outlet for a more creative writing style that I can have fun with.

  6.'re making me tear up again! your last bullet point is pretty powerful!

    and makes me wish i had writings from my grandparents to read...

    thanks for your wonderful posts the past few days! glad i decided to blog roll you then to only visit when playing michele's game!!!!

  7. oh and i didn't really answer the question...hmmm...

    i think i write like i talk... and i LOVE to be able to write on my blog some of the creative and sillyness that i can't write anywhere else... like my blog party and fun stuff like that! i also like that as i blog more, i evolve more and meet more people. blogging has really been fun for me!

  8. I write because I have no other choice. There was never a conscious decision on my part; I started writing as soon as I learned how to put my oversized pencil to paper, and never really stopped. It's just what I am.

    Either that, or I'm a born liar and it's the only ethical way to express that ;)

  9. Hey Carmi! Here via Michele's.

    While I don't consider myself a very good writer (not fishing for a compliment, I know writing is not my strong point) I like to write to get thoughts in order. Now that I have children, I think that they might like to see what their mom really thought about things.

  10. Since my writing consists only of my blog... I write to relieve stress and to meet new people. I met you!

  11. I write because its cathartic. And, in a strange way, its more theraputic for me to tell strangers things that I'd never say to my friends or family. Is that weird?? Here via Michele again, twice in one lucky bum.

  12. I think I'm an addict. I've been doing it for decades, leaving bits of myself on scraps of paper and disks all over the place. I've wanted to write a novel for ages, mainly because I enjoy reading them so much, but it's only recently - in the last year or so - that I've felt I really have enough to say. I try to use my writing to touch others through my blog and, judging from the comments, sometimes it does. I am working towards print publication in the wider world, and hoping that will truly happen one day.

  13. I envy your ability to do it every day. I love blogging, it gave me a way to write (never will be a great), but I've had a really hard week or two in my business, and during that time, I could not get inspired or think of anything to say that would not be whining.

    I'm getting back into it now, and hope I can do it often.

    I enjoy your writing, and your dedication. Keep up the good work.

  14. I started writing stories when I was very young. Like you, I like to fill the balnk page with words. THere is something so fulfilling in that. I also write to get it all out of my head. It can be such a relief. My blog was a gift from my children who decided I needed the outlet. THey were right. I love the feedback.

  15. I write because, for me, it's just easier to put in on paper then it is to say it.

    I enjoy reading what you have to write :) and agree you are very good at it.

  16. I just find it easier to express myself with the written word. Verbally, I suck. I become to overwhelmed by my emotions, good or bad, to verbalize - think Baby in Dirty Dancing; all that comes out is "I carried a watermelon" and a stupid Duh! expression. I can usually avoid that by writing.

  17. I call it money, M-U-N-Y!
    Just kidding...sometimes.

    I write to work out what I’m thinking, and to share it. It’s there for whoever wants it. I also write poetry—I try to create something beautiful that honors nature and my experience.
    Now, back to writing for the money.


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