
Tuesday, August 29, 2006


My wife and I are just back from an idyllic few days spent at Deerhurst, a resort north of Toronto. It had been an insanely long time since we went anywhere alone for any period of time, so we counted ourselves lucky when I was selected to be a part of a top performers' group at work, and my wife's parents said they'd look after the kids while we were away.

I think it was good for all of us: the kids had a wonderful time with their grandparents, and we got to spend what we like to call "alone time". We didn't do a whole heck of a lot. We planned a few activities here and there, but mostly we sat by the water, walked along the paths and enjoyed the relative peace of a place far from the day-to-day treadmill that typically defines our days.

I took this image at breakfast. The resort's main breakfast-serving restaurant was called Eclipse, and it was a huge windowed space overlooking the lake. The sun poured in (see my egg photo for a real-world example) and made even the most simple scenes seem special. Every morning, we'd sit by the window and drink in the scene.

Images like this take me right back to that very simple place where I got to enjoy a quiet breakfast with my best friend.

Your turn: What's your ideal way to start your day? Why?


  1. Well, my ideal way to start the day would definitely be by waking up with a view of the beach. But in reality, I begin every day with a mixer of Emergen-c and crystal light. Breakfast often varies, but I must have my morning mixer to give me an energy boost.

  2. I'd like to start every day by sleeping in until 7:00, immediatly followed by a massage and a hot jacuzzi bath. My private cook would have a healthy breakfast prepared while I read/watch the news. Is that too much to ask?
    *falls on the floor laughing*. I know I know...reality check for Suzanne!

  3. Coffee. Must have it. And it's gotta be strong. And hot. With milk and honey. No substitutions.

    Why? Hmmmm...Because it tastes great? Because I need it? Because I'm addicted? Because I may hurt people if I don't have it? All of the above.

    After that, I either gotta go for an hour long power walk, or an hour long swim. It just makes the rest of the day much easier, if I have exercised.

    Oh, and by the way, I was at Deerhurst at the end of April for a children's writer and illustrator conference. I took the hubby along, so he could amuse himself while I was schmoozing and gallavting. Isn't it an amazing place? And we had breakfast at the Eclipse, too. They serve way too much food, but it' all delicious. Hope you got a window seat, so you could have a beautiful view!

  4. Silly me. I should have read your post more carefully. Of course you had a window seat!

  5. Sounds that you and your wife had a lovely time in Deerhurst!

    Like Mialisa, my ideal way to start the day would be to wake up to the smell of a delicious breakfast made by anyone but me: coffee very strong with milk in a big mug and toast with cottage cheese. Ah! orange juice, too! Then, would be great a nice stroll with my dog Flora around my neighborhood.

  6. My ideal start to my morning is waking up at the Hyatt Regency Maui, putting on my swimsuit, throwing a couple of towels on some pool lounges then heading over to the breakfast buffet to indulge in fresh pineapple and macadamia nut muffins.

    This doesn't happen very often. Actually, it only happened during my honeymoon many moons ago.

    Glad you and your wife got to get away. It has been four years since my hubby and I have had time to ourselves. We are planning a trip to Hawaii just the two of us sometime this fall or winter.

  7. My ideal way would match not a cookie cutter...I'd wake up with a view of the sunrise over the ocean...sit outside on my porch in a warm chenille robe and enjoy exquisite coffee

  8. I get out of bed, and I stumble to the kitchen, pour myself a cup of ambition, yawning, stretching, trying to come to life. Then I jump minto the shower and the blood starts pumping; out of the street the traffic starts jumping, with folks like me on the job from nine to five.
    Oh, wait, that's not me.
    My ideal way to wake up is NOT at 6 a.m. by the kitty. . . I guess I'd get up at around 8:30, eat a bowl of Cheerios, get ready for work, and leave without any drama.

  9. Carmi, my ideal day starts with coffee, the newspaper and my trusty dog Millie. Nothing's better than being the first one up in a quiet house. Blissful!

    Just stopping by to say hi. Glad your time away was good!

  10. Hey, Carmi! "Alone time" sounds like "just what the doctor ordered"! My favorite time has always been "dusk". Such a balm to any "turbulence' of a day-in-the-life, so to speak. Great for walking and solving new challenges and thinking up new mischevous projects! BTW: I was with an NBC TV crew on West Palm Beach last night as "Hurricane Ernesto" came in. I took a photo of my left arm stuck out in front of the camera holding my shoes. I call it my "Carmi Shot"!!!

  11. My ideal morning starts in Lanai, Hawaii. Eating fresh papaya and drinking mango juice on the hotel restaurant's veranda. The scent of bouganvilla all around us. One of our best vacations ever.

  12. Good to hear that you and your family had a juicy good time and also that you had the chance for some "alone time". The pic looks tempting!
    My way of a perfect start of the day: Thought you’ve never asked but I’ve just posted an example:-)

  13. I want my day to start just like Suzanne's!!

  14. Mmmm now I want some orange juice.

    My ideal way to start my day is always with sleeping in.....and waffles don't hurt either!

    I never would have guessed candle for your mystery photo.

  15. Coffee. Morning must start with coffee. Ideally, served in bed by someone I love.

    *sigh* but alas, I have no one at the moment to bring me coffee in bed. Soooooooooo I will say right now, coffee while my son eats his breakfast.

  16. Here from Michele.

    I like my flavored coffee with creme brulee or amaretto cream. I love creamy oatmeal with blueberries and french vanilla with fresh blueberries as well. Actually, any breakfast food is great.


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