
Friday, November 03, 2006

Quoted - CNNMoney

I've seriously fallen behind in my efforts to post links to all the places I've been quoted. I've just had too much work on the go in recent weeks and months.

But here's one that jumps out of the ordinary: I've been quoted for a piece on (pause while I do a bit of a happy dance. This is a significant hit.)

It's entitled The next big thing in batteries, and it was written by Grace Wong out of New York. Here's what I said:
"The chances of alternative batteries gaining a foothold is much higher than a year ago before the issue with lithium ion batteries became mainstream," said Carmi Levy, an analyst with Info-Tech Research Group.
And it was the lead quote, too. Cool! (They also built a sidebar out of my research note. Look to the right.)

Some days, I feel like I'm leading a bit of an unreal life.

But wait, there's more: Hell did indeed freeze over last night as Microsoft announced a partnership with Novell to develop and promote products and services for (say it with me) SUSE Linux. We sent out a press release (it's on Yahoo!Finance here) and I've pretty much spent my day speaking with reporters. Lots of fresh links coming, but if you're really keen, Google search me here, or Google News search me here.

And still more: Here's a quick rundown of some of the key pickups following the Microsoft/Novell announcement:
Investor's Business Daily: Windows, Windows And... Linux? by Patrick Seitz
BetaNews: What Microsoft + Novell Means Going Forward, by Scott M. Fulton, III


  1. You sure know our stuff Carmi!

    Today is my one year Blog Anniversary..come on by my blog for a piece of cake!

  2. Congratulations on all your being quoted! Oh, and Michele sent me....

  3. Well... that all sounds very smart and technical--so congratulations on being heard and quoted!!

    Michele sent me!

  4. It's amazing how much more quotable you've become in the year I've been reading your blog, Carmi. Since I don't think your thinking and writing has changed that much I have to conclude that those people were being foolish before for not quoting you then. Fortunately they've seen the light and now you're one of the oft-quoted technology opinion leaders. Great work but don't forget to take pictures too!

    Michele sent me, Carmi.

  5. I post about every time I'm quoted in the news too! So far, you can read all zero of those posts at my place!


    Michele says howdy!

    How ya been man?

  6. Since you say smart stuff all the time, People and news are bound to quote you.

    Great work!

    Michele sent me.

  7. well done Carmi!! You're certainly getting the credit for your hard work!

  8. Very impressive, and well-deserved. You have every reason to be proud.

    Hi from Michele's today!

  9. COOL. Congrats on all the press shout-outs. I was quoted in the WSJ once. . . for buying my boss macaroni and cheese for chanukah. . . not the same thing, I suppose.

  10. Congratulations - clearly a case of hard work and intelligent knowledge-gathering paying off.
    The rock photo below is wonderful! Here from Michele's

  11. Congratulations! This should result in a raise, right? Michele sent me today.

  12. i was laughing the other day when they were talking about the most recent recall of batteries because they quoted you. :)

    michele sent me this time. have a great weekend!

  13. Stumbled on to your blog during a rare and random blog surf... am I ever glad I did, I'll be back for sure. Oh, and congratulations on the milestone!

  14. hey, we come for the pictures, where are the pictures? what is up with all the words? so hard on the brain this late in the week.
    ai am reporting to michele that you have no picture for this post

  15. Coolness :) If Cnn-anything quoted me, I'd probably wet myself.

    Here via Michele's tonight!

  16. Congrats on the CNNMoney quote! I can't believe I can say I knew you when. :)
    Here via Michele!

  17. Come-on David- Can't Carmi get just *one* day off to do interviews?

    Impressive ...

  18. Here from Michele this time.

    Technology changes so fast... usually when I have purchased a computer or camera in the past, it is only to find out that the new and improved model came out a week later.

    It must be nice to be privy to all the breaking changes and to understand them!

  19. Cool - I know someone who is actually 'quoted'.....

    Very impressive, Carmi honey :- [looks impressed] - see?


  20. You notably quotable. Got great soundbitablity.



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