
Thursday, May 24, 2007

Caption This 19

Please come up with a caption for this image [See below for instructions]
Shanghai, China, May 2007 [Click for a bigger dose]

Note from our sponsor: Oops. I'm a little late getting this week's Caption This entry posted. With all the hullabaloo surrounding my job change and a family wedding thrown in for good measure, I ran out of time to give this important feature the attention it deserves. My apologies. So let's play Caption This. A little late, mind you. But all good things are worth waiting for, right?
You can tell a lot about a society by its advertising. The messaging that blankets the streets of this city is almost on its own worthy of a trip. I could have sat on a bench and simply watched the ads drift by on the side of the trams that bring shoppers back and forth along the pedestrian mall. But it was a lot more fun to chase them down on foot and then shoot them while walking or trotting, much to the amusement of passers-by.

But as much as I enjoyed taking the shot, I can't think of any words to accompany it. What would you call this image? Here's how you can get involved:
Please join me in congratulating Bob-kat for coining last week's winner, Walk This Way. There were so many incredible entries - including more than a few Beatles-themed ones - that I had a difficult time choosing. Thank you all for making this such an enjoyable milestone each and every week (and sometimes a little late!) Please visit Bob-kat's site and say hi from me. While you're there, drop a kind word in for her mom, who's in the hospital.

Your turn: Put on your creativity cap and come up with a caption that best describes this photo. Come up with two captions. Or three. As many as you wish. Get your mother-in-law involved, too, because MILs often have great senses of humor. I'll post the winner and the next Caption This entry this coming Sunday.


  1. Great photo.

    How about 'TaDa'!


  2. Hi Carmi. I am thrilled to have won last time. It's a small thing that made mt day :) Thanks also for the mention of my mother. It's much appreciated.

    As for your new caption, how about "the billboards are alive...with the sound of advertising!"

  3. "Try it free for 30 days"

    "Some side effects may occur"

  4. "Free and easy enjoy natural life eternal happiness."

  5. From West Side Story-

    "I feel pretty! Oh, so pretty! I feel pretty and it's all 30 days risk free!"

  6. He reminds me of Wayne Newton....Asia's version......smarmy!!!!!

    So......let's go with "Danke Shoen"

    My other thought? It's an Ad for Asian Viagra.......

    "Good morning, good morning, it's sure great to be alive!"

  7. I like the photo, but can't think of a pithy caption.

  8. "Take it easy. There's enough for everyone."


    All natural male enhancement.

  10. You and I signed in at the same time.

    Hi, Carmi! Here from Michele's.

  11. I really feel like she's trying to sell a car so the pills don't fit. I can practically hear her singing...Enjoy your Chevrolet...or whatever the equivelent.

    All this is yours...The ocean in pill.

    I'm terrible at this game.

    Michele would do better.

  12. "Do you struggle with smiling in your holiday shots? Its not always contipation...
    Try "Konfuzed Smyle" - the brand new revoutionised formula thats 'cracking' the world into grins from ear to there...
    ...never have a dull holiday photo again!"


  13. "I love my pills."
    Sorry I haven't stopped by lately, but thanks for not giving up on me and for coming around every so often.
    Michele sent me today.

  14. Colleen, I don't think it is a woman.....LOL

  15. Hi Carmi. Michele sent me over with a caption for you...

    (voice of the tiger in the window)

    "The sign will get them close--then I pounce! It's all about strategy, people"

  16. "I'm doing them right now!"

    "The Keigizer: Anywhere, Anytime!"

    "Hermaphrodex: For The Best Of Both Worlds!"

    "Go ahead and light her fire. Asbestos-O-Wear separates are smart, stylish, and smoke-free!"

  17. Wa Wa Wa--

    "Making Gin sing one pill (and note) at a time."


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