
Friday, May 11, 2007

Dog in motion

London, ON, April 2007
Quick note from the road: This is my last night in Shanghai, and I feel ambivalent about leaving. Of course, I want to go home. I miss my wife and kids, and they miss me. Life isn't easy for my wife when I disappear to faraway places. It's hard enough keeping the house on an even keel when we're both around, so when she flies solo, things only get tougher for her.

Yet at the same time, I'm conscious of the fact that this has been an extraordinary trip that has, in so many ways, changed me. I was privileged to visit a place unlike any I've ever been. I learned more about a nation and a culture than I ever could have learned from reading it in a book. I lived it for a brief time, and got to see a society that struggles with the rapid proliferation of capitalism. I learned this lesson right outside my hotel's front door, when a street vendor approached me and tried to sell me DVDs, shoes and watches. This is a city that is full of such itinerant sales people, hustling up and down the main roads with frightening frequency.

In contrast, I push words around a screen. I know I'll be able to afford to eat tomorrow. I have the right to write whatever I wish - including this blog - free of fear of political recrimination. I lead a charmed life in comparison. The images of this place will remain burned in my consciousness, teaching me that I'm a very lucky person to have the opportunities that I do. And that I'd be very silly indeed to not act on them.


Oh yes, today's picture. It's blurred, but that was the point. I have included a picture of our dog, Frasier, in this entry because the world still needs wiggly puppies, and I need to be around more to enjoy ours. I'll see him Friday night (today, actually, in light of the wacky things that being here does to the calendar), because later this afternoon I begin the long journey home.

He's a bundle of barely contained energy. As we watch him run free in the enclosed dog run near our house, it occurs to me that the pure joy of a puppy at play can have unintended benefits for his newfound family.

Your turn: The first three words that come to mind when you see this image are...?


  1. Fun, fast, fluffy!! Oh and love the pups red collar! :o)

    I love how well you express your thoughts when you write here for us Carmi. I and all those reading get to see life through your eyes and really capture the joy that you so obviously have in all you do.

    Have a safe journey home {{HUGS}}

  2. I have six.

    Chariots. Of. Fire.


    See. Frasier. Run


    Great shot Carmi!

  3. Run, Frasier...RUN! (a la Forrest Gump....)

  4. I have a picture of my oldest daughter when she was young, in blurred motion like that. She never sat still and it totally captured her personality.

    Have a safe trip home!

  5. I thought "....over the bounding main..." although I know it is not over water!

  6. I love schnauzers!

    Have enjoyed your thoughts on Shanghai - take care on the way home! x

  7. See Spot fly! Sorry Frazier, Spot came to mind.

    Carmi, love your comments about your trip to China. I can imagine the mix of emotions to visit a place that is so different, so far, and that is so suppressed yet blossoming.

    Hope you had an uneventful trip home.

  8. Someone tried to sell you bootleg DVDs? Are you sure you weren't on the corner of Grant & Ferry in Buffalo?

    First three words from the oft quoted Forrest Gump:

    I gotta pee.

    here via michele.

  9. I told you you'd enjoy China. Wish you were here. And I were there.

    Safe travels back home.

    Here from Michele's tonight.

  10. That is a gorgeous shot!

    Okay three words...

    Blur. Quick. Cute.

  11. Aren't dogs the greatest?

    Traveling to Shanghai sounds like an awesome adventure. But as a mom, I can't help but think of your wife. You're blessed! And I know you know it.

  12. Rudolph has met his match.

    It sounds like a life changing experience, being in China. I worry that capitalism is too much like a cancer cell growing out of control.

  13. flying through air

    my life seems like a blur at times..

  14. Stride, speed, free...

    It sounds like you had a special journey, one with much to ponder upon your return home.

    May it be a safe one...welcome back!

  15. Energy. Speed. Vitality.
    Have a safe trip home!

  16. Great picture doesn't matter about anything except that it really shows the motion...!

    Your trip sounds like it has been quite an astouding and life-changing experience. I know the pictures are going to be a true revelation for all of us!

  17. joy.

    i loves me some wiggly puppies. I have been telling people for years that my older dog, makes me a nicer person.

  18. Just wanted to wish u a belated happy bday...If your not already home, have a safe trip...cant wait to see lots of pics.
    Ps...not that I know your age or anything...but just incase you didn't know...EVERYTHING GETS BETTER AFTER FORTY! I can swear by that. hehe

  19. Hi will receive this comment most likely after you've returned home.

    Frasier? excitable, delightable, inflightable.

    We are in the process of searching for our own new bundle of frenetic energy...... a pup to join our family and to be trained by our dog, Lily. We keep telling her to enjoy her life of leisure right now because once we find our puppy, life will forever change for all of us, especially for our Lily. :)

    welcome home............

  20. Every little niche and space in Asian cities are used to make money, at least to make a living. I've found myself caught in the dilemma between home's calling and wanting to stay a bit longer when I traveled. When I've attained a mental grab of the place, unfortunately, that is time to go.

  21. I'm looking forward to seeing pictures of Shanghai. china is one of my top destinations to visit, if I can ever afford it. If not, I'll just enjoy my home town. Have a safe trip home.

  22. Sounds like this trip is an important experience. Thanks for sharing those thoughts.

    Puppy? I think clouds, nip and excited yap, oh yes, and oxytocin.

  23. "Here boy, yes!"

    My younger dog (Miss Cleo, who is white and black) wears a red collar also. The older (Zorro Dogg) one wears blue. Yes, all their things are color coded. They even have red and blue bandannas for special occasions.

    Trip sounds awesome, in all senses of the word.

  24. 'Cool! It's Frankie!'

    No word of a lie, Carmi my friend - that is exactly what I said when I saw the picture.

    I'm so glad you had a fab trip, but I bet the Levylets and MorahMommy are thrilled you are home.... :-)


  25. Back again, Carmi! Three of us posted all at the same time at Michele's!


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