
Thursday, May 17, 2007

Moving on...

I quit my job today.

It wasn't a rash decision. I didn't suddenly wake up this morning and conjure up a diabolical plan to uproot my and my family's future. It was family, however, that lay at the root of this milestone. More on that in a moment.

Before I continue, however, a number of baseline facts:
  1. I loved my job. Working for a small, fast-growing company that's disrupting a typically staid market is an immense rush.
  2. I loved the people with whom I worked. They're the smartest, most insightful folks I've yet encountered in my career. Not working alongside them every day will take a lot of getting used to.
  3. I would have continued to love it had I stayed there. Day-to-day, I can think of far worse things to do than read a lot, write a lot, and talk to journalists about it.
But I'm a bit of a restless soul. As much as I could have stayed where I was, I've learned that I'm patently unwilling to leave a challenge on the table. I'm not a cruise control and automatic transmission kind of guy: give me a stick and an open sunroof instead. Oh, and throw in some wacked out tunes on the iPod, too.

Just as critical is the whole issue of balance. I want some. I want to be able to drop my kids off at school in the morning. I want to be able to edit a client's document on my BlackBerry while I grab a tea at Starbucks on the way home from morning dropoff. I want to be there in the afternoon when they get out of class and run into me at full-speed, arms wide open.

Eventually, they'll be too big to do stuff like this, and I don't want to miss it.

Workwise, I want a stake in my future, and I want to live and die - professionally - by my own efforts.

My new role is with a communications and marketing firm with a stable of incredible clients and a future brighter than I dare imagine. I'm going to be Senior VP of Strategic Consulting, which basically means I'll be taking everything I've learned so far in my journalist/IT/tech analyst career arc and applying it directly to real-time and real big client projects. It's about as direct and hands-on as it sounds, and I can't wait to roll up my sleeves and dive in.

I will still be a geek. I will still read about, pry open, break and write about technology and its impact on our lives. It's who I am, and leaving a job doesn't change that. I am also a journalist, something that's as true today as it was the day three-and-a-half years ago when I first started as an analyst. I will always have a pen in my hands. I will always write.

Am I scared? Sure. But it wouldn't be worth doing if it didn't make me a little bit nervous. Hunger and fear, in measured amounts, are necessary elements if we want to change the paradigm and move our reality to that next, previously unimaginable level.

I'm ready for that step, and I look forward to the next stage of this amazing journey.


Your turn: Thoughts?


  1. Right on... Right on....

    I on the other hand have been dragging my feet on the career change path. I just finished another Masters Degree this past winter and have yet to try to put it to work. The trade off is that I'll be a little more tied up with work and have a bit less time for the family.

    I don't know if it's that that's got me lollygaggin' or the fact that I hate the interview process. Anyway, I should follow your example and venture on headfirst.

    Good luck,

  2. MY thoughts??? Go For it! But you know me well enough by now to predict that I would say so. It's exactly this kind of challenge that makes life worth living. And if the downside is spending more time with your kids - then thank God for downsides!

    But what do I know about risk-taking ;-')


  3. Wow, Carmi, that's big news! I have no doubt you'll find your new position rewarding and challenging -- Just as you like it.

    That's inspiring that you've taken that move for yourself and your family. It sounds like something I would do, as well. In fact, the position sounds very much like my present one, only with more conception.

    I would wish you the best of luck, but I know you don't need it. You'll do fantastic!


  4. Carmi: I am happy you had the Courage to make a plan and go with it.I know that you will make new friends and start to get acclamated and feel great. I look forward to following your new journey!

  5. First, congratulations on setting a great example to your children in letting them know they are a priority. That speaks volumes, I think.
    Second, I can't imagine you NOT doing well. And part of our humanity is this inner need to challenge ourselves, don't you think?

    I look forward to reading about it all.


  6. good luck, dear! you made a very big and brave decision. follow your heart,and soon you will be doing what you like doing most!

  7. Congratulations for the big leap of faith! I'm hoping for a career change soon myself (I'm working on some volunteering & course work to update my skills).


  8. WOW! This is exciting news. What I like the most about it is the underlying motivation: Your family. I am a believer that you can't ever go wrong when you base decisions with them in mind first and foremost. Congratulations, Carmi.

  9. Carmi, I think it's marvelous. You have a lucky family...most children aren't so blessed to have daddies that care so much.
    I'm delighted...I think it's a great career move. The rewards should outweigh any negatives!!

  10. I agree with Stacy, and your children will benefit immensely from your decision. Good for you, Carmi, you have your priorities straight! Michele sent me, but you know I'd have gotten nere later anyway.

  11. Congratulations Carmi! And good luck with the change!
    I'm sure that both you and your family will benefit from this change!

  12. Congratulations Carmi! On you new position, and your new adventure. I understand how you feel. My husband (and I suppose I myself as well) is a bit restless. If he doesn't feel challenged he isn't happy. I wish you all the best! And enjoy those pick-ups from school! I pick my daughter up every day, and I still get a great big happy "Mooommmyyy!!" every time - I never get tired of it!

  13. RIGHT ON! I actually took a big pay cut a few short years ago so that I could spend more time with my kids--as a hotel GM, I got to see them for about an hour a day. It was AWFUL.
    Now I have a job that I can do mostly at home, and while it's very challenging sometimes because of all the distractions, it's totally worth it.
    I applaud your decision, and if YOU are happy with it, then you did the right thing!!!

  14. The best things in life often come after leaps of is the amazing reality that you can feel God provision in the desires of your heart.

    I am so happy for you Carmi. I have shared with you before about my own father striking out on his own in business and what that meant for our family and years later I would marry a man that did the same thing.....

    What an amazing time. I will keep you in my thoughts as you and your family transition in this change....

    Take care friend!

  15. I may be taking a trip on the same path... not fully my choice though. Best of luck with your new endeavors and I can't wait to read about it here.

  16. The first step is the hardest, but you have taken it and for all of the right reasons...nothing else matters but family in the end. You are bright and will soar.

  17. If it means spending more precious time with your kids besides being a professional challenge, you couldn't have made a better decision. Good luck!! Michele sent me this time :)

  18. I wish you much great good luck in your new endevors, Carmi...It sounds very very exciting and I love the idea that this new job will give you the time to spend more time with your dear dear family. I'm sure they are excited and happy about it, too! And as the saying goes, Mazel Tov, my dear!

  19. Good for you. I wish you all the best. I think it is awesome you will be able to have more family time. You are right. They grow up so fast. Your new gig sounds exciting.

  20. Wow, congrats! You sound a lot like me...if a job isn't challenging, I get bored. And I agree...anything that doesn't make you a little bit nervous is probably not worth taking on. Way to go!

    And it's very cool that you want to be there for your kids.

  21. Hey Carmi,

    Congrats, man!

  22. I know that you have been anticipating a move like this for a while. Kudos for you for taking the initiative to make it happen. Good luck.

  23. Congratulations, Carmi!

    One day when your kids are grown and have their own kids, they'll think back and smile about what a great father you are. That in itself is priceless. :)

  24. Good luck with your new direction. There must be something in the air these days, as I am also on the verge of a big, life-changing decision. I wish you well.

  25. Congratulations on the new job, and I wish you the best.

    fancy title -

  26. Congrats Carmi, it sounds like the opportunity of a lifetime! We'll miss you. Best of luck to you, and God bless!


  27. Congratulations!

    Sounds like a wonderful adventure you're embarking on.

  28. Congrats on the new job. You and my hubby sound so much alike in this regard and the things you take interest in! I think it comes with a mind for technology.


  29. How wonderful! It all sounds like a great adventure and a fantastic challenge to me and you also get more balance in your life which is geat for you and your family. Sounds like a winning move and a well calculated risk to me. Good luck! I just know it will work out fine as you have the qualities and determination to succeed.

  30. Carmi, even when a job change is well thought out, it can still be a bit stressful. I wish you the very best in the new position. And as a father of three, there really is no work that compares to the time with in that regard, I think you made the right change at the right time.

  31. Cher Carmi,

    Félicitations! Vous êtes le meilleur chef pour cette entreprise...en avant et vers l'avant!


    YH, MLIS

  32. Cher Carmi,

    Félicitations!! Vous êtes le meilleur chef pour cette entreprise...en avant et vers l'avant...


    YH, MLIS

  33. Congratulations, Carmi. Wishing you success in this new venture.

    Spread those wings and FLY!!!

  34. Best of luck to you. I made some big changes at age 30 and have never regretted that decision. And with 20/20 hindsight, I'm even more sure what I did was right. Go with your heart!

  35. Congrats. Sounds like a full-bodied decision and investment in a wonderful future. :)

  36. WOW! I miss a couple of days, and this is what I read....well, yeah for you! Nothing is more important than family and being there for them in my book. Tayloring your life decisions to make that happen can only lead to good things...Now I feel like Martha Stewart for saying 'good things'.

    Have a great weekend!

  37. Two thumbs up. Jobs come and go, but you only have so much time with your kids. It seems like I blinked a few times, and mine was grown...and that's with the benefit of working a job where I could be home when he was. No regrets, and I doubt you will either.

  38. Fantastic!!!

    Carmi you are going into this wide open....big grin on your face...eyes bright and brimming...ready for the next big thing.

    Good for you my friend!

    A new challenge. A new angle. New people, new workplace, new new new! I can't wait to hear about it as you start the next phase of your journey.

    God bless you and yours.

  39. Mazel Tov, Carmi! Change is scary but good, and while I applaud you for helping change a staid industry, I applaud you even more loudly for putting family first.

    You go, brotherfriend!

  40. Best of luck to you on this new journey in your life :)

  41. I'm thrilled for you. I'm a wanderlust kinda person myself and I get the need to keep challanging yourself. It is what I always did when I worked.

    I'm sure you'll be as successful in your new endeavor that you've been in your previous life. Plus,seeing your kids grow up is better than traveling the world.

  42. Congratulations on what seems to be a great life-quality move... I'm sure you'll succeed whatever you put your hands to :)

    Will be back to catch up on what I've missed of China pics...

  43. Wow. You've blown my mind. Wishing you the best, but you won't need it - you'll be great.

  44. I can't say anything fancy or different than has been said.
    This sounds like a great,well thought out move. Both your family and you will reap the benefits for years to come.

  45. That's awesome. I'm so excited for you. I totally agree with what you said about fear, too. Sometimes we have to push our own envelope to get what we need and want. It's often a bittersweet decision. I can't wait to hear more about your new exploration once you're in it full swing.


  46. Hello, Carmi,
    Every since you commented on my blog a couple of times, my daughter has become anardent fan of your blog. She asked me at lunch today if I had read your post about quitting your job in order to spend more time with your family. She was impressed.
    My favorite posts of yours are the ones in which you write about your time with your children. G-d bless you in your new venture and time spent with those children before they are grown and gone. It all happens so fast.

  47. Congratulations Carmi, I am proud of you.

  48. Conratulations and good luck!
    Sounds like the perfect thing to do.
    Speaking of Geek....I have a picture on my blog of me holding a t-shirt. You should take a look at it!
    My boyfriend is a Geek!
    Best wishes Carmi,
    Lee Ann

  49. Way to go! I'm very happy for u and have no doubts that u will take on this new adventure with ferver and gusto...It's not always easy to take bold new steps but more often then not, we find in short order what a good decision it was. I wish u all the best and look forward to reading all about it.

  50. Wow! That's a scary thing to do, Carmi. Of course with your talents, you'll do great in this new job, and like you say, it gives you a lot more ability to enjoy and support your family. Congratulations!

  51. Carmi - I'm late to see this news (too busy to surf lately!) but want to congratulate and encourage you. When family concerns drive our decisions, everybody wins. Balance is key, and it sounds like part of your life process has been a great discovery of what to keep and what to let loose.

    Best of luck with your new endeavour - just keep writing!

  52. i am working on a career change also- thinking that it is NEVER too late to begin doing something that you love, and are good at, and makes other people happy.

  53. I'm not sure if you knew or not...but I lost my beloved dog, Holly, 2 weeks ago and have been scarce in the blog world. Did do a blog about the loss on May 11.
    So I'm sorry I'm so late coming here to give you mega congratulations on your decision and new job. I say, good for you! You made a decision and I have no doubt you'll be extremely successful. Not to mention all those moments with your children, that will slip away in the blink of an eye. Here's wishing all for you that you wish for yourself, Carmi, because you deserve it.

  54. Missed seeing that earlier. Congrats on pushing yourself ahead, leveraging your knowledge to new challenges.

  55. Good luck with the new role. It sounds like a good fit.

  56. Wow, congratulations Carmi. I havent been here for awhile.
    So i guess, you're globe trotting this days huh? Been to China already. Hmnn. are you hiring?

    All the best.


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