
Friday, January 04, 2008


I think this must be the longest I've ever gone without posting something new to my blog. Two reasons:
  1. I made a conscious decision before the holidays to actually enjoy the time off. I wanted to spend time with my brood. I didn't just want to physically be there...I wanted to be a part of it all, of them. And that involved not getting a suntan from the soft fluorescent glow of my laptop's screen.
  2. To wit, my laptop's adapter decided to fry itself soon after the holidays began. The ensuing adventure to obtain a replacement under warranty rendered me computerless for a good long time. I decided to stay offline and enjoy the experience.
The good news is the strategy worked. The time off was cathartic for my soul. Unplugging for a bit turned out to be just the recharge I needed. Neat.

I've been taking lots of pictures and accumulating many stories, so the regularly-scheduled fun will commence imminently. For now, I hope you'll all tune into the sound of silence and get in touch with the stuff that really matters. I did, and it made me realize I need to do it more often.

Your turn: Disconnecting. Please discuss.


  1. Ah, Carmi, the irony of "(Y)our turn", to discuss disconnecting gave me reason to smile. We HAVE to be connected to discuss disconnecting.

    A wise friend encouraged me a while back to leave the laptop at home during a beach trip last year, in order for me to be "fully present" with my family. Connection is addictive...alluring...and jealous. I would think working from home would compound that.

    My laptop and camera have become extensions of me; they complete thought for me at times. If I see or think beauty, if I'm inspired by my environ--be it people, place or thing--I'm eager to record it photograph, in prose, in poetry...whatever muse strikes. I can't get it down fast enough on pen and paper.

    That being said, it would serve me well to sever that connection more often. More important, it would serve my family well.

    Balance is factors in to my outlook for the new year :).

    Glad to know you've packed away some treasures to share; no doubt you'll do so with renewed fervor.

  2. I did this in August - when we went to the mountains for a week ... and then again in October as part of a 'reading' fast as part of the Artist Way.

    Julia Cameron says that we medicate our creative selves with words - which is a doubled edged sword for those of us who want to and enjoy writing and reading. It's a fine line to walk.

    I'm looking foward to more opportunities to disconnect from this work station this year, as my responsibilities are downsized and the importance of family time and my own creative time is up sized.

    As you said, how enlightening and enlivening it can be ... which allows us to muse - just how medicating is the internet? Does it free or trap us?

  3. During the holiday season, I had my daughter AND husband home, so the disconnection was fairly easy. And let us add to the mix the fact that everyone was was MUCH easier to stay away from the computer. We did have a few days where it didn't even get turned on (much to the chagrin of my children, and to the joy of my husband!). Sometimes we need that time away. For me, it let me know that I CAN survive without reading "all those blogs" and checking email a thousand times a day. And so, MY life has been simplified. I don't run downstairs all day long, and things are getting done in my house that were always pushed aside or rushed.

    Sometimes, a disconnect is a GOOD thing!

  4. Glad you had time to recharge. I could do with that too, but life is just a little bit too demanding at the moment.

    Looking forward to seeing all your new photos in 2008 :)

  5. Excellent. I'm "off the grid" for two weeks every summer. No TV, no internet, and even the cell phones are out of range of towers and I love it. -- of course, there are screens on the windows, electricity, and indoor plumbing, so we are not really roughing-it...

  6. It's good to step away from anything that's sucking up too much time. . . it's like rotating crops. You do one thing for a while, then you switch to something else, and eventually you'll want to return to that first thing. I took a big blogging break recently and it was wonderful not to feel that I "had" to post.

    Happy New Year, similarly-named blog bud.

  7. Hi Carmi, actually, I am still in disconnect mode - (except for my blogging - because then I get too overwhelmed)...from the world around me...not going anywhere that I just don't "Have to" go to - or seeing relaxing, setting up my new computer area, and my sewing area...

    Making my home my palace...

  8. Well you're in great company. I think I hit my longest "break" this holiday season as well and my vacation was at home! It was wonderful though. Here's to a wonderful 2008!


  9. Disconnecting... it helped me think more... and smile more.

  10. I have a hard time disconnecting. Even when on vacation we try to plan for hotspots to check mail and post. I've been debating either preposting before my next vacation or post date a bunch when I return.

    ... or I'll find a Panera in the evening and update my blog from there... :(

  11. Carmi, somehow I think you stay tuned to "all that matters", all the time. I missed you, but I understand. Good for you.

  12. It sounds like 'time well spent', Carmi...! To truly "be there"....this is wonderful! And maybe the Universe was helping you to do that when the lap yop fryed!

    Happy New Year Carmi...May 2008 be a truly special healthy happy year for you and for all those you hold so dear!

  13. We went without a home computer for nearly a year, and though it was difficult at times, it really was a wonderful time!

    It is that way with photography, too. Sometimes we get so wrapped up in capturing the moment on 'film' that we...miss the moment. There have been things I haven't noticed because I had a camera up to my eye. I think it's very important to disconnect from the busyness around us and focus on life itself. It goes by so quickly as it is.

    I've told a couple of my daughter's friends: "Put your cell phone away! BE with the person you are with now, and when you are with the person you're texting now...then be with THEM." We shouldn't have to work so hard at living...

  14. I am disconnected while connected :-)
    Being female I am, of course, contrary!

    Since I have had my laptop, I am able to sit in my armchair and blog/surf.
    This is when I disconnect from reality and 'travel' the interweb.

    I am going on a training course next week and I have been *told* to take my laptop!

    I think you'll love the commercial I have posted on my blog today :-)


  15. Disconnecting is something I have great difficulty doing and in retrospect it hasn't aided em in keeping my illness in check. Or staying close to my family but 2007/8 have been the beginnings of new changes including more me time I had been putting off a holiday all year and then manage to convince myself it was my passport lapsing's fault for not going well next week the passport gets sorted.

    I have already begun to connect more with my family and I have resolved to only take books on my holiday the question is....

    Can I leave the blackberry off or alone....

    its there next to me now suffering nervous glances a techological addiction borne from a need to always be connected to people we maybe wouldn't be if we had the choice in a physical world...

    Oh but I love it =]

    Hey Carmi

  16. i am losing myself, and not even sure i still have kids, work is great and then it sucks,

    i'm just tired, i guess

    payday must be soon.

  17. There is something very wonderful about participating in life and not always recording it. I can totally understand what you said Carmi. I am so glad that you were able to enjoy all that time with your family.

    Have a great week!

  18. I think sometimes we have to disconnect in order to reconnect psychologically and socially. Kind of like when your computer gets bogged down and runs slower. It helps to log off and shut down a while to clear the jumble, then when you power it up again it runs faster.

  19. I'm glad you enjoyed a well deserved break. Happy 2008 to you and your family!

  20. i notice i do not blog as regularly as i used to. i actually hang out with Indy instead of hang out taking pictures of Indy. i didnt snap a single picture of the kids on Christmas eve or Christmas morn. it was rather refreshing.

  21. I've been disconnecting a lot lately, but I always come back. Can't wait to see your pics.

  22. I took a few days away from the wifi over the holiday period, though when I resumed I couldn't resist a couple of backposts. My real downtime was from 24-31Dec, but I did fill a few gaps.

    I agree its good to have a complete break/change sometimes.

    I smiled at the title for this post though. There's an old English camel joke that has roughly that word in its punchline,

    Happy New Year


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