
Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Thematic Photographic 6 - Light

Let there be light...
London, ON, July 2008 [Click to embiggen]

Photography is the art of capturing, channelling, manipulating and mastering light. So I thought I'd reflect this reality with this week's theme.

I captured this image this past weekend at the birthday party of one of our son's friends. While waiting for the room full of 7- and 8-year-olds to get their cake, I positioned myself near this rather fascinating fixture and went to town. I'm sorry I didn't also capture the looks of the other parents and family members who, unfamiliar with my little optical addiction, wondered why the apparently insane man in the Hawaiian shirt was taking pictures of lights.

Your turn: I'm hoping you'll join the growing Thematic Photographic bandwagon. Here's how it works...
  1. I post a new entry every Wednesday evening.
  2. Each entry has a unique theme. This week's is...light!
  3. You post a similarly themed image over on your blog.
  4. You paste a link to your entry in a comment here.
  5. If you've already posted something that fits (on a blog, Facebook, MySpace, wherever) simply post the link to the existing entry.
  6. Feel free to play along as often as you like.
  7. Please share this link with friends, too.. Let's get this photo sharing party started!
That's it for now. (Oops, almost forgot: if you haven't captioned this week, please click here.)


  1. Good choice, Carmi. I had so many choice for this topic, but settled on the light from last weekend’s fireworks. Take a look at

  2. I just love the word, embiggen.., really, LOVE it!

  3. I just discovered digital photography and when I came across this meme I had to join in :) ...

    Here's my choice for this week - Light.

    I like your choice ... I can;t tell from the pic if those were in an old building or a new one.

    I'm looking forward to more!


  4. Hmm... I thought about fireworks too, but I'd just posted some of those recently. Anyway, I've been saving this shot for just the right theme.

    And I love the "prompt" shot for this week! All that monochromatic gold. It almost looks like what you'd expect the inside of a beehive to look like (if you were a bee that is).

    This ought to be a fun theme for sure. I'm really looking forward to all the various takes on it. (And I have a few more of my own that might be of interest -- once I find them that is).

  5. Mine's up! I debated whether to use a chandelier shot....but chose these instead!

  6. hmmmm...did my comment go thru?

    if not...

    Here's my contribution for today's theme

  7. I love your shot. I can see why that captured your attention.

    What a fun theme choice. While I'm out hunting for "light" photos, I'll share this one that I took recently:

    Dianne :D

  8. I was absent last week (bummed... but then, I was on a nice vacation!) But here I am back and more excited than ever for this week's installation of Thematic Photographic!!!

    Have a great rest of your week, Carmi!

  9. I love light. As one grows older, good light is such a good aid for reading!

    My photo is up at

  10. OK, I'll play. Mine would be a toss up between wet cobblestone and shadow street, both taken in Paris (and the last photos I ever took with actual film).

  11. Gail -

    I personally like them both, but lean toward the wet cobblestone ... it's mysterious ... :)

  12. I'm late getting here, but I'm up at long last.


    For a longer something about light, I did this about a week ago.

  13. i wished i had known the theme this week was lights BEFORE i came back from vegas. one of the fixtures in the hotel we were staying at resembles bubbles in the air. oh well. i'll just have to find something else. lol :)

  14. i finally got my 'lights' posted. i couldn't chose which one to use, so i put all three up. they are pics i took awhile back. now i need to try and catch up w everyone else's photos.

  15. I'm a little late for this week, Carmi but I'll be sure to return Wednesday and play along next time. Evidently we have a similar eclectic taste in photography.

  16. Here's a sunrise that I shot early in June at Wrightsville Beach, NC.

  17. Hey Carmi ~

    Once again, a fun theme (with the potential for great challenge). Here are some "lights" I've been waiting for opportunity to post. Your theme was just the reason to do so (well, in part, anyway).

    Thanks, friend :).

  18. Carmi. Stopped by to catch up on whatcher doin' and found all photo ops. Were you always into photos? It's OK with me, that's for sure. I thought you were more into commentary and broadcasting and the like. Well, I'll stop back on Wednesday evenings then.

    I'm involved in Anna's Project Black, too, which is a lot of fun.

  19. Ahhh, I couldn't wait any longer. I'm sure something better would've come along if I'd had any more patience, but I just had to get into the game on this theme. So I played around a bit more, and posted what I've got so far.

    What I've got so far doesn't hold a candle (punny!) to your photo, though. I wouldn't mind seeing a wider shot of that light to see what it "really" looks like. It definitely draws the eye in. Great find!

    And I've said what I have to say about your sky photo a few days in the future to this post. Beautiful!


  20. Gail, you went out with a bang... those are stunning photos! Do you miss film? I agree with Heather... I'm leaning toward the wet cobblestones.


  21. excellent theme this week.

    you guys and gals are light years ahead of me but I'll give it a shot.

    try three shots. very recent photos from Georgian Bay and Port Bruce.

    Cheers, gord H.

  22. I pulled this one out of the archives from a January night this year when we lost power and had lamp oil lighting ~

  23. Hey, Carmi! I haven't been by here since back when I still did WW. Glad to see you're still doing the blog thing, and I noticed that BlogHer recruited you, too.

  24. What better way to show off Vegas than with this week's thematic photographic theme.

    Thanks Carmi!

  25. Mine have been up since friday but the new mobileme (used to be mac) I am with has royally P me O! There is so much trouble with the transition...grrrrr. but the blog article is up - just a bit of a mess and no way to comment. Fantastic topic and I'm loving having to think about my photography more.

  26. A few surprise entries happened my way over the weekend; I decided to use them for my almost WW AND for this week's TP (as we say almost good-bye to "light").

    I'll link to those in my URL rather than my main page (though right now they're at the top of the page).

    Welcome home!

  27. I'm glad I can chime in

  28. I finally got a photo up for this week's theme, here.

  29. Managed to get my Wordless Wednesday and thematic photographic in one!


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