
Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Thematic Photographic 8 - Monochrome

7:43 p.m.
London, ON, June 2008 [Click to enlarge]

I've always preferred monochrome photography to color. By taking away the tool of color, you're forced to rely more heavily on composition, texture and light. You can't let color tell the story for you. Instead, you have to think a little harder, linger over the viewfinder a little longer.

The first pictures I ever took were black-and-white. To this day, I love the forlorn tone that monochrome adds to a scene. Indeed, if my camera ever lost the ability to record color, I think I'd shrug my shoulders and keep on using it.

Your turn: Thematic Photographic is all about YOU. I hope you use the next week to share your favorite colorless perspectives. Here's how it works...
  1. I post a new entry every Wednesday evening.
  2. Each entry has a unique theme. This week's is...monochrome!
  3. You post a similarly themed image over on your blog.
  4. You paste a link to your entry in a comment here.
  5. If you've already posted something that fits (on a blog, Facebook, MySpace, wherever) simply post the link to the existing entry.
  6. Feel free to play along as often as you like. You can keep posting, playing and sharing for as long as you wish. I'll post a new theme next Wednesday.
  7. Please share this link with friends, too. I like when lots of folks have fun with photography.
As always, please use this theme as an opportunity to explore your own photography and push your bounds a little. If you're looking for a bit of inspiration before you get started, please click here for more monochrome-themed entries on my blog. Enjoy...and thanks for making this a weekly highlight for everyone who visits. And for me.


  1. Hey, I get to be No. 1 this week? Wicked!
    I'm up

  2. I love B&W photography. Or sepia or anything monochromatic. I may have to come back and link up some other ones later.

    Great theme!

    Here's mine

  3. Lovely theme this week - excellent choice! I declare this to be an official B&W week over at my blog and on my Flickr account.

    There's something about shooting in B&W, even on digital that seems to capture more character than if you shot the same image in colour and then desaturated it in an image editor. Maybe it's just me.

    And then, of course nothing beats shooting B&W 35mm film, unless perhaps it also happens to be 100 ISO speed. *drool*

    Anyway, I'm up.

  4. I'm with Carrie - I love B&W and sepia. The picture you posted reminds me of Heathrow airport with it's long long grey halls.

  5. Like Carrie, I'm starting with this photo, but I love this week's theme so much that I'll certainly be back to share more. Just as soon as I take them. I just happened to have this print laying around (okay, I went digging it up, but I knew where it was!), and I couldn't wait to share it. All other posts on this theme will be new shots... just as soon as I take them.

    Update: My father has created his Blogger account, and is waiting for further instruction from me. I think I'll introduce him on my blog when he's up and running.


  6. SIMPLIFYING ME: Food for thought.....

    Here is mine...first time on site. Not sure if this will work.

  7. Ooohhh..I think I like this challenge. I have never used black and white on my digital, so here's to hoping it works!!!

  8. I agree with canadian mark on how I think that black and white photography seems to capture more character somehow. Perhaps it is that we have to look at it in a different way than we see things everyday. It is always interesting.

    Here is mine.

    (This is the first time I have ever tried to include a link this way... I hope I got it right! :-)

  9. here are my contributions...i'm not sure how to make it a link..sorry but here is my url:

  10. Mine are up! and on time for once too!

  11. I love B&W photos. I have one as my header on my blog. I got a blog makeover too. Go check it out!!

  12. Monochromatic is a developing art for me --- no pun intended cuz I'm using digital. I am developing MY monochrome art. Anyway, here are some I like.

    Now on to the fun of looking at everyone else's!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. I have one here - more to come, maybe

  15. Gosh, I'm bordering on dumb here...I did my post yesterday but forgot to get back here to add the link! Anyway...just go to my blog and it's the 2nd post (can't link right now...have to run quick!!)

  16. While this is not a newly-shot photo, it's one of my favorites. I blogged it awhile back, but here's the flickr link:

  17. i've finally got my pic up.

  18. Believe it or not, I've never shot photos in black and white. Not when I had cameras that used film, and not with my digital. Don't know why, because I always love black and white photos when I see them.

    So, here's my attempt this evening at playing around with black and white on my digital while my girls were having fun outside:

    RM's Rocks

  19. I finally got a monochrome photo up...took me a while.

  20. I played with a rather drab photo, except for an old red truck, and came up with a new monochromatic masterpiece.... well, I like it. Check it out here

  21. ok so my photos didn't here they are. I swear I will get with the program. Thanks for all you feedback and comments on my first picture. These are in a blog entry as well. The first one is BW and you will have to scroll to see the other one which is my favorite. Let's try this one more time.......
    SIMPLIFYING ME: She is a star......

  22. Hi Carmi,

    It looks like I joined in on the monochromatic theme by accident. I, like you, enjoy black and white photograhy and have a tendency to think black and white when I shoot. Today's posting is an example.

  23. I goofed on the code for the post of the red truck, so try this

  24. I'm kinda slow, but I've finally got a post up! I love black and white photography.

  25. so many folks love monochrome. while viewing your photos I'll be listening to Kodachrome (written by... anyone? anyone?) on my old radio.



  26. Smarmoofus pointed me in this direction and I'm so excited to participate! I took a photography class a little while back and I loved every minute of it. These are pics I took on my old manual SLR camera. I developed the film and the prints myself and it was great.

    Check them out!

    My Pics

  27. Yay! I brought in another one!

    For clarification, Mr. O is not my father, who disappeared on holiday to Floriday without warning me that he was leaving town. He will be back next week (with thousands of photos, I'm sure!), and I'll get him set up to join in then.

    Meanwhile, I just wanted to update my link(s) because, well, I'm much happier with my new stuff that I took in the last 3 days than I am with that old print I scanned and posted earlier. So my monochrome new posts are:
    1. here,
    2. here, and
    3. here

    And then Barb inspired
    this, which mostly counts. Mostly.

    And it seems you all have continued posting, too! I've gotten behind in visiting.

  28. Thought I would add some more...


  29. Hi, I'm a first time blogger thanks to peer pressure from smarmoofus and mr. o.

    smarmoofus gave me her old digital camera I had so much fun taking pictures.

    And thank you for a great theme to start out with.
    check out my pics lioncraft

  30. I'm in. I love black and white photos. They carry more emotion.

  31. i just found out about thematic photographic from smarmoofus' blog. Excellent idea, i can't wait to join in!

  32. Hey Carmi - I finally got mine up. One of my favorite shots - river front property in Ohio...

    Loved your trip to San Francisco. Have a great day!


  33. I was thinking I wouldn't have time for the challenge this week but got half an hour just now to have a play. Glad I did it was fun. Another great theme.


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