
Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Thematic Photographic 18 - Kids

Dahlia's balloon
London, ON, September 2008 [Click to embiggen]

While driving home from a friend's birthday party, Dahlia spotted a hot air balloon launching from the park in front of her favorite bowling alley. When she asked if we could stop and watch it, I had to hide my own excitement as I carefully pulled over and turned into the parking lot.

By the time we got out of the car and I had my camera in hand, the balloon was too far away for a decent close-up. But our daughter is always game for a little fun, so she gamely pretended to squeeze the snot out of the balloon as I crouched down and tried to line up the scene. Will it win an award? Probably not. But it managed to capture the kind of simple moment I wish more parents could have with their kids. Even if I hadn't gotten the picture, I'd treasure the experience anyway. I know she will, too.

Your turn: This week's Thematic Photographic theme is kids. Do you need to take an actual picture of a kid? Absolutely not. How you interpret the theme of the week is entirely up to you. I once again look forward to seeing how creative you all are. As a reminder, here's the lowdown on how this weekly insanity works:
  • Every Wednesday evening, I post a new Thematic Photographic entry.
  • Each entry has a unique theme. This week's
  • You post a similarly themed image over on your blog.
  • You paste a link to your entry in a comment here.
  • If you've already posted something that fits (on a blog, Facebook, MySpace, wherever) simply post the link to the existing entry.
  • You may post as many photos or links as you wish. For the next week, I'll be supporting this theme with a related picture/posting each day. I encourage you to do the same. This is all about sharing, so feel free to share to your heart's content!
  • Please share this link with friends, too, and encourage them to join in. The more, the merrier.
(Oops, almost forgot: happy new month, everyone! Please pay it forward, if you can. Either that or call your mom.)


  1. here's my take this week:
    link: Kids

  2. What a great theme. Mine is up.

  3. Children have the sweetest hands. It's a good shot. :D

    I haven't done your theme before, but I have lots of pictures of my daughter on my blog at A couple of times lately we've taken shots of each other jumping. That was fun.

  4. Mine is up! Just click on my name and it will take you to my blog. I will post one every day this week at 12:00 noon!

  5. Well this is one theme that I have an abundance of!
    I love that photo, Carmi! That is so fun I am going to have my kiddos try something like that.

    Ok just click on me to see mine. Lately my posts have been nothing but Thematic Photographic, so it will be easy to find!

  6. I wish I could call my mom, Carmi.

    I love your theme shots. Too bad the balloon was too far for a close-up.

  7. Voila mon petit monde

  8. I haven't been successful doing those kind of shots but will keep trying.

    Sharing my kids photo. The photo is mine but the kids aren't yet I didn't have a hard time asking them to pose.

  9. This was hard for me to choose! Here's mine ... one I took just a couple of days ago at a local ice cream shoppe :)


  10. Hola! I almost thought I couldn't contribute this week, but then I had a light bulb moment. TADA! here it is:

  11. Wooohoooo!! There is always kids pictures on my blog!

  12. Hmm... kids, huh?
    I'm gonna have to stretch on this one I think. Mine are 20 and 25... and I'm not likely to become a grandfather in the next six days (not that I'm in a big rush for that title anyway). But I should be able to find something kid-centric... Or maybe something really old...

  13. Love the new theme. I'm always sneaking up on children!

  14. When I saw the theme...I knew immediately which photo from my stash I would use :)

    My post is HERE or here's the link:

  15. Hello Carmi!
    The first thought that came to my mind when I saw this photo was the sketch from Kids in the Hall:
    "I crush your head!"



    the photo in "margie's" photos

    i took this photo of my grandson, he is fun and loves to have his photo taken.

  17. sweet!!!! :)
    will you adopt me , Carmi ;DDDD

  18. It looks like lots of people are playing this week - here is my second contribution

  19. Children these days, so demanding
    Tweet tweet:)

  20. Children these days, so demanding
    tweet tweet:)

  21. Another kids theme. Well, after you get past the ALSO part of the post.

  22. I have posted another photo for this week's theme.

    Thanks again for the fun, Carmi!

  23. Here's another one to add to the list!

  24. Hi Carmi....and everyone else. Mine is up today too. A little late, but still earnest. :)

  25. I love this theme. Not my own photography, but my parents' own childhood, however. :)

  26. What an interesting point of view you take, love this with the hot air balloon!

    I also have an abundance of kid pics :) I have to enter this recent post of my son, Noah with a beautiful spotted bull frog.

    He was so so happy, then very sad when it hopped away.

  27. Carmi, I posted mine today (just a little late!!)

  28. I'm not as quick this week with my theme post, but here is cute little girl at the "beach".

  29. Well I finally got something... I've been happier though.

    Still working on this one... it's a tough one for an old geezer with grown children.

  30. Lol. you really had to twist my arm to join in the photographic fun this week! I'm only ever taking pictures of Stella anymore. Here's my post.

  31. Glad I found you Cami.

  32. Today I am celebrating a special kid. Because it is my birthday that kid is ME! Take a trip down my memory lane for some, I must say, adorable photos!

  33. I saw this photo in your Flickr collection just a few days before you posted it here. It reminded me of the picture I took of my sister's hand and the palm tree in Arizona about three years ago. I love playful shots like this one.

    Meanwhile, my (first batch of?) photos are here.


  34. I have a couple more,
    here and here (or skip the permalinks and just visit my blog and scroll down for all this week's contributions)

  35. My "kids" photo's are posted at my NEW site:

    Come visit the new and improved....


    wow, i think i'm last in

  37. Cool! My daughter and a friend did that with a mountain on a trip to Colorado several years ago.

  38. thank you for sharing your moment with your child, here are some of my moments with my children ~ so precious ~ I am so glad that we have pictures to help remind us!

    a little spa treatment:

    brothers teach:


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