
Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Thematic Photographic 23 - Autumn

At leaf's end
London, ON, October 2008

As you approach this week's Thematic Photographic theme, autumn, I'm hoping you'll cast off our traditional assumptions of what that really means. By all means, I hope you'll share views of colorful leaves, increasingly bare trees and solemn, gray days. But there's more to autumn than leaves and colors. In so many respects, it represents closings, endings and goodbyes. Can you share photos like these as well?

I know you can.

Your turn: Thematic Photographic is our spin on a weekly photo challenge. No money changes hands, and there's no wagering (at least not that I know of), but it's a fun way to stretch your photographic experience and share it with others. Here's how it works:
  • Every Wednesday evening, at precisely 7 o'clock Eastern, I post a new Thematic Photographic entry.
  • Each entry has a unique theme. This week's is...autumn.
  • You post a similarly themed image over on your blog.
  • You paste a link to your entry in a comment here.
  • If you've already posted something that fits (on a blog, Facebook, MySpace, wherever) simply post the link to the existing entry.
  • You may post as many photos or links as you wish. For the next week, I'll be supporting this theme with a related picture/posting each day. I encourage you to do the same. This is all about sharing, so feel free to share to your heart's content!
  • Please share this link with friends, too, and encourage them to join in. The more, the merrier.
  • And please accept my thanks for your enthusiasm. You have all made this a highlight of my bloggy week.


  1. Oh, Carmi...I love this photo. So light and filled with color! Excellent job! Mine is up as well...a bit different!

  2. Ah...Carmi, great minds :).

    As I was driving through my neighborhood, I thought, "I MUST photograph these GORGEOUS trees!". The colors are spectacular, surprising to me this season due to our lack of rain this summer; apparently, we got enough at those times it really mattered.

    THANK YOU for giving me an excuse to stop and DO this; now, to figure out how to with out of town guests on their way tomorrow :).

    (BTW, your picture to introduce the theme? Spectacular!)

  3. Just as fall is stunning, so is your photo, Carmi. I've posted a few of mine. Thanks for helping us share the beauty of the season with each other.

  4. Hi, Carmi, great theme! I have posted mine.

  5. The leaf seems to be crying in that photograph! I've put mine up, once again with much joy and delight. Thank-you for the theme.

  6. Nice leaf--I was thinking it was getting kind of late in the season for the fall color shots at this latitude, for even most of the oaks have now given up their leaves. So your theme makes me wonder what I subject I should capture? I'm still waiting for it to get cool enough for the fireplace.

  7. I really like this photo!!! And I like this theme since it's my favorite season :) .... Here's mine :)


  8. Here is mine

    I had to go to a training class in North Carolina this week, I made this photo on the way back yesterday.

  9. Buenos dias! Mine is up at:
    If youare Irish, you will especially enjoy!

  10. This is a great photo, Carmi. It's like I can feel the crisp fall air as I look at this...

    Just so ya know, too... I may not be participating every week like I used to, but I always check out what's going on at Thematic Photographic and make sure my link "buttons" on my blog to your post are updated! (I love this challenge and checking out everyone's photos!) Thanks!

  11. will have to work on this one!

  12. Mine will be post Saturday morning. I'm prepublishing since I'll be out of town.

  13. A perfect autumn post. I just love the rich colors that splash across everything before the dullness of winter.
    My Autumn theme picture is posted now.

  14. Hey... I actually got a post up HERE this week after all!

    Cheers to the theme, Carmi!

  15. Beautiful tones. The leaf in all its fall color an detail is wonderful.

  16. Gorgeous, beautiful detail, the red veins and the mottled colouring reminds me of old hands, in a good way:)
    Mine is an action shot, so please forgive the poor quality!

  17. well, if I can't see my sister from London, Ont..I can see a leaf from there, I guess!
    Both are QUITE beautiful!!LOL!

    Is there anything more beautiful than Autumn leaves? My blog has two photos that are more 'stock' photos, but SO beautiful, I hope you can come by and take a look. they're not mine, they're gorgeous.

  18. What a fantastic photo to introduce this week's theme. I'm going to looking for other types of autumn like you suggested.

    Here are the photos I have for Autumn

  19. hi there....

    here is my contribution. Autumn I have realized has been a theme of sorts on my I tried to capture it in another light.

  20. here are my two contributions on my blog:


  21. i love that this theme has so much depth. here's my first look at Autmn

  22. Autumn is my favorite time of year so, thanks, Carmi, for this week's theme. So for my entry, think wine.

  23. Wow, the edges of the leaves in this photograph are crisp... just like a fall morning. Nice one. And I love that little splash of blue sky on the edge. Brilliant colours, Carmi.

    My first (traditional) Autumn photo is up. I hope to have more before the week is done.

    -My (first?) autumn photo.

  24. Come on over to my blog for another Autumn theme shot. Post #.
    Love this theme Carmi

  25. FINALLY getting around to this! Here is my "entry"...there are a lot of photos on this post!

    Rocky Ford

  26. "In so many respects, it represents closings, endings and goodbyes."

    I thought about this a moment and just had to write to disagree.

    My thoughts are that Autumn is not the is merely the beginning to a period of sleep and renewal: a time of rejuvenation that is quiet and still. It is a required period before waking again in the Spring to a new period of amazing productivity and creation.


  27. those rich colors of autumn warm me insantly despite the chill in the air :)

  28. Not an image, but appropriate to the theme (and thanks, Carmi, for stopping by and noting it).


  29. I get to participate this week! Hurray! Our neighbor's tree took a total tree dump last night. Their steps and sidewalk look amazing. I couldn't pass up this opportunity!

    Not Afraid To Use It: Autumn

  30. This is my first looks like great fun! I'll pass it along.

  31. Love this theme. Our foliage this year has been wonderful: Fall Foliage in Highland Park

  32. Never can post just one.

    btw: Your past few photographs posted have been just stunning. Thank-you.

  33. My favorite time of year!

  34. my 1st time participating here, but hopefully, not my last. my autumn pix are posted.

  35. I'm late again, carmi. i was busy stretching autumn a little further.



  36. Thanks for another great week!!!

  37. I actually posted a few pics today that fit this theme, but they've been photoshopped with a filter - does that count?
    Hope so, because here they are:

  38. Still pulling from the archives but I think I'll have to get out and shoot something for next week. Here is my Autumn entry:

  39. Happy WW. Check out my Scenes of Autumn and Vote for me. I’m a finalist in a Blogging Scholarship. Visit this link and select Danielle Lee. Thank You very much.

  40. wonderful! I have a couple, but my favorite is here:

    I'll be back later this evening to see what this week's theme is!

  41. I recently did a "leaf peeping" tour of the Northeast. I hit vermont at the peak of the color. Check it out:

  42. Hi Carmi,
    I'm really really late on this. But here is my contribution.

  43. Check out this picture from the U. of Wisconsin arboretum in Madison:


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