
Friday, December 05, 2008


Tea for one
Delray Beach, FL, January 2008 [Click to embiggen]
About this photo: This week's Thematic Photographic theme is shadow. If you have a shadow-themed photo, please click on over here and share what you've got . (Come to think of it, even if you don't, pop in anyway. It's about enjoying and sharing this crazy little collective photographic addiction of ours, and I hope you take that first step and join in the fun.)
In the greatest Canadian pre-winter tradition, the temperature is bottoming out just as the snow squalls move in from the Great Lakes. When I took the dog outside for his walk earlier this evening, the air was exceptionally crisp and clear, and the thin layer of snow crunched underfoot as I did my utmost to keep my head from rapidly accelerating toward the ground.

We took the long way around the big block because it felt good to be alone in the dark on a cold night. Frasier could have bounced over the snow covered lawns all night if I had let him. As we walked, I could feel the wind on my face, and it made me smile. I know a lot of folks like to whine about the weather. But when it gets cold and dry outside, there's something to be said for being right in the middle of it. When you sit in front of a computer screen all day, pulling words out of your brain and rearranging them until they make sense, getting out into the real world is a nice change of pace.

When I got back into the house, fresh coffee was brewing and a challah was baking in the oven. I can't describe what it felt like to transition from outside to inside, but there's also something to be said for coming back into a warm, loving home where everything smells good and a little man bounds to the door to give you a welcoming hug.

Life is good. I look into a mug much like this and realize little else matters at this very moment.

Your turn: Life is good because...?


  1. It just doesn't get much better than that Carmi - well, not unless you send over some of that challah! :-)

  2. Tea makes my life pretty good too and taking pictures. Other than that I'd have to say baby Bryce. He's 6 months old now.

  3. 1. I love Challah more than anything. 2. I live in L.A. and I'm so tired of living in one season all year round. Sometimes I actually wake up and think "Fuck, sunny AGAIN!".
    3. Being from the East Coast I remember that feeling of taking my dogs out for a walk in the cold. I can't wait to get back there.

  4. I love that feeling of being alone on a cold dark night--feeling the wind in my face--it's especially nice when the sky is clear and the winter stars shine brightly.

  5. Mmm. If only that were hot chocolate!

    Carmi, I've been forced to move my blog over to -- come on by and see the new digs (they are much nicer, so you may want to update your feeds and links and stuff).

  6. Life is good because of all the wonderful people in it.

    Love your photo. It's making me thirst, not only for a nice café con leche (made by moi), but also for a better camera. What you do with yours is amazing. I've always enjoyed your photos and this one, with its wonderful shadows, is another great shot!

  7. Btw, I almost forgot to metion, NetChick sent me. :)

  8. I'm looking at my empty wine glass and thinking that life doesn't get much worse than that. Extremes huh?

  9. Beautifully written Carmi. I felt like i was right there with you. I just came in from the cold....was out putting the lights up on the back deck after playing with the dogs... somewhere along the way it got dark and it was so peaceful.

    now? I'm sipping tea and reading your blog.

    all good....

    enjoy your evening.

  10. life is good because I found a whole forest full of free trees, one of which is perfect for the coming holiday season. I took advantage of the early bird special and cut my own this year, and I feel so good about it.
    Netchick made me do it

  11. Great photo! I never think about shadows being in things like mugs :)

  12. Thanks for the reminder of why I like Canadian winters! Home sweet Home! I have this pillow the Amish made that says, "Your story begins at Home!" Here is my contribution for Shadows...

  13. There's such a joy and contentment in the little things of life. What a thought-provoking post. I so enjoy coming back into a warm house after being out in the cold.

    I love the photo - timeless and comforting. The texture is quite interesting.

    I have a third shot up here.

  14. there is something so incredibly soothing about a cup of tea or coffee...feeling the warmth of the steam on your face as you sip it. One day I'll be brave enough to go public with my pics for your theme of the week :) Katie

  15. Life is good because I have the new Anita Shreve book at the top of my TBR pile...

  16. Ah wonderful post - full of those delicious feelings. We often walk Benny along the banks of a creek in the early, but dark part of the evening. It's in a wide open field so if it's a windy day, you really feel the winter's cold. There's usually a pre-dinner drink waiting to be mixed, and a game of cribbage waiting to be played, while hands and nose warm up. Add your chullah to that mix and life would be perfect!


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