
Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Thematic Photographic 28 - Bright

Bright hand
London, ON
November 2008
[Click to enlarge]

After spending the past week exploring the shadows, I wanted to swing to the other edge of the spectrum with something a little, well, brighter. So this week's Thematic Photographic theme, bright, will hopefully let us shake off the gloom that's somewhat more overbearing this year.

To me, brightness is something that isn't always easy to find. Take this icicle, for example. I found it hanging off of the evergreen bush right beside our front door. I've had fun with this oversized plant before (see here and here) and it never fails to serve up something new. The difference: this time I had to get waaaaay down on the ground to find it.

I didn't care about getting ground-schmutz all over myself as much as I was worried about the light. Rather the lack of light. It was late afternoon and the sun was fading fast. Our house faces south, so we were already dangerously close to shadow territory. I stuck my head almost into the bush and shot kinda-backward to capture what little light there was through the ephemeral hanging stick of frozen water.

I'm not sure what the neighbors were thinking, but I haven't seen any For Sale signs go up since then, so I gather they're still not too worried about having me in their midst.

Your turn: For the next week, we'll be exploring bright-themed photos. Whether they're old, archival images or new ones that you're thinking of taking, I hope you'll share many in the days to come. Not sure how Thematic Photographic works? Here's the lowdown:
  • Every Wednesday evening, at precisely 7 o'clock Eastern, I post a new Thematic Photographic entry.
  • Each entry has a unique theme. This week's is...bright.
  • You post a similarly themed image over on your blog.
  • You paste a link to your entry in a comment here.
  • If you've already posted something that fits (on a blog, Facebook, MySpace, wherever) simply post the link to the existing entry. Old or new, all photos are welcome.
  • You may post as many photos or links as you wish. For the next week, I'll be supporting this theme with a related picture/posting each day. I encourage you to do the same. This is all about sharing, so feel free to share to your heart's content!
  • Please share this link with friends, too, and encourage them to join in. The more, the merrier.
  • And please accept my thanks for your enthusiasm. Your participation has made TP a true highlight for me each and every week.


  1. you know Carmi, I have finished my course work and thought why not..

    my link is
    it's kind of tied up in other stuff but the thought was there :)

    Love the ice shots..Katie

  2. I really couldn't decide whether to take a literal or figurative approach to this one for openers... so I just decided to do both.

    Thematic Photographic 28: "Bright" v.1.0 Items at the Bazaar

  3. Hi - My first time here and looks like first to comment too! Came here through Mojo
    Have put up my 'Bright' picture here

  4. When a morning starts with brightness, we hope it continues to make a treasure of a day. Here it the brightness of an early morning beginning at:
    Gallimaufry Gleanings

  5. every time I see one of your shots, I am challenged!

  6. Why does this make me think of a bizarre "triple-epiglotus?" You know- that thing hangin down the back of your throat...
    I'm very challenged to be out in the daylight before it fades these days, so I wrote a post, "Shell," on the 4th based on an October moment, which fits your theme.
    I bet your cam would've done a better job-

  7. I didn't know very well what to choose. Bright sunbeams, bright icecubes,... For this weeks entry I chose bright colours. Come and see for yourself.

  8. Looking for brightness on a rainy night...


    love this theme, but I'm discovering that bright and shadows go together...

  10. Lovely shot - particularly when enlarged. I'd love to see what you referenced with intended links to previous shots of your over-sized plant but alas "here and here" did not appear as links. You also cracked me up with "ground-schmutz." :)

  11. Your icicle reminds me of the time when I was in high school (a long time ago) when there were icicles hanging from the oranges...not pretty, fascinating, but no good.

    My bright picture is up.

  12. Bright shots are up. Mine are figurative. Had some fun with photoshop on these.

    Thanks for the inspiration here.

  13. I love icicles but it's been a long time since I've seen one where I live.

    I have posted a photo on my photoblog which fits the last TP theme and this one :)

  14. I like the theme this week and your icicle photograph demonstrates it perfectly. This is my entry here.

  15. Very artistic photo !
    I've posted a candle ...

  16. Hi Carmi

    I havent doing much photography recently but have managed a few shots and they actually fit this catagory in one way or another (well I think so LOL bright color, rim light and sunrise)

  17. HA! i should have saved some of those bright flashes of light that kept ruining my shadow pictures. but, alas, i was delete happy and have none... lol

    love the icicle....we don't see many of those out here.

  18. I am glad I got the opportunity to share these. They cheer me up when I look at them. I hope you enjoy.

  19. Fascinating shot, Carmi. Glad you caught it before the afternoon light was gone.

    Mine is over here this time.

  20. ¡Buenos dias! What an ideal theme.
    Mine is here:

  21. here's where my brain went this week. =D

    Summer Days

  22. I'll be back with more bright this weekend. But here's a start.

    My Bright Photo

  23. Here are a few of my contributions toward this week's theme . . .


    Keeping your family in my prayers this week, too.

  24. here's mine for the wk :)

    i'm going to try to visit everyone as soon as i can :)

  25. here is our bright moment.

  26. I've been busily posting, but dreadfully lax in linking. I've added three more shots to this week's TP Collection and forgot to mention it.
    Thematic Photographic 28: "Bright" v.2.0 Lords of the Dance,
    Thematic Photographic 28: "Bright" v.3.0 Fireworks Finale, and finally
    Thematic Photographic 28: "Bright" v.4.0 Contrast Study

  27. My first entry on on my new photo blog. I hope you can come and visit. Thank you, Carmi, for this fun past time. I'm excited to join you!

  28. Discovered i don't do 'bright' very often!
    However, here is my favourite from this year.

    It was taken on a day when I went out for a walk, deeply perturbed and just knowing that any day now vast change was going to occure.

    I refused to allow myself to return home until I had found an image that made me smile and threw happiness into my heart again.

  29. A bit late in the TP week I'm sure, but now that I'm blogging again I just cna't go past an opportunity to display some of my photos.
    Hopefully I can join in regularly!

    Check out my link:

  30. As I posted today I thought I was still in time to catch the bright theme :)am sure I'm not playing properly..apologies... but you have made me get my camera out which is a good thing!!

  31. One more entry for this week. Shooting the moon over here.

  32. I'm in under the wire, but here is my contribution for the week.

  33. Thanks, this is my first Thematic Photographic!

    The link is here:


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