
Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Thematic Photographic 34 - Simple

Looking back on a friendlier era
Delray Beach, FL, December 2008 [Click to embiggen]

This week's Thematic Photographic theme, simple, can take on many forms. It could be something physically simple - like a pencil or a child's favorite stuffed animal - or it could reflect a simpler time. It's painfully obvious where I'm going with the kickoff photo, but you are, as always, completely free to interpret the theme as you see fit.

Your turn: If you've got a photo of something simple in your archives or in your imagination, I hope you'll share it on your blog, then leave a link to the entry in a comment here. For further background on how Thematic Photographic works, read on. (For a peek at last week's entry, click here):
  • Every Wednesday evening, at precisely 7 o'clock Eastern, I post a new Thematic Photographic entry.
  • Each entry has a unique theme. This week's is...simple.
  • You post a similarly themed image over on your blog.
  • You paste a link to your entry in a comment here.
  • If you've already posted something that fits (on a blog, Facebook, MySpace, wherever) simply post the link to the existing entry. Old or new, all photos are welcome.
  • You may post as many photos or links as you wish. For the next week, I'll be supporting this theme with a related picture/posting each day. I encourage you to do the same. This is all about sharing, so feel free to share to your heart's content!
  • Please share this link with friends, too, and encourage them to join in. The more, the merrier.
  • And please accept my thanks for your enthusiasm. Your participation has made TP a true highlight for me each and every week.


  1. Lunch counters have such resonance. All the hours over alifetime we have spent in such places in so many different locales and seasons (of the year and of life). and of course, the lunchcounter battlefields of the sixties. We will miss these homely things when we move on I think . . . Aloha, Carmi!

  2. I love that picture Carmi. I have one similar which I took in a partially renovated old train station in McAdam NB. they have resurrected the restaurant. It is so cool.

    here is my offering this week....hope it inspires romance planning for Valentine's Day. :)

    great theme....i had a bunch of ideas vying for my choosing!

  3. That reminds me of the Woolsworth's counter in our home town.

  4. I vaguely remember the old soda shop that we walked past when I was a kid.

    Hey... I'm up here's my take on

  5. This looks like you walked into my mom's cafe in Oklahoma. Are you sure you weren't hanging around?

  6. Your photo takes me back to the old corner drug store which I loved to frequent as a child. I tested out the simplicity of my choice and found that it still held true.

    Gallimaufry Gleanings

  7. Your beautiful photo reminds me of long ago days, Carmi.

    My Simple offerings can be found at Snapshots from the Back Porch.

  8. When I was in grade school, my BFF Jackie's father owned a luncheonette and every day after school we'd go there, climb up on one of those stools (Girls, remember NO spinning, you can get hurt) and he made us each a malted ..vanilla for me, chocolate for Jackie and we each got a Hershey Bar and a bag of Wise Potato Chips. Sigh.... thanks for the memory stir

  9. How very cool! I love the photo! I don't think I'll play along, as I don't do recurring stuff (except for my Monday funnies), but I'll come look at your photos. :)

    Thanks for popping in at my blog! Send some snow to Tulsa, will ya? The ice is fun, but snow would be better.

  10. Putting that in the context of February in the US (Black History Month) makes it a little less simple. But then again, I"m not convinced that "simpler" times were always better... we just didn't know as much -- or talk about it as much.

    I don't have anything nearly so controversial... unless you want try and parlay it into a discussion of Evolution I guess. That might do it.

    Thematic Photographic #34 "Simple" - v.1.0: "Simple Organism"

  11. thanks for visiting, Carmi. Shame Michele has gone - we never get to meet n greet now but this is fun!

    This is my simple pic:

    Kenju - Woolworth's - d'you know they have all closed down in the UK - banks foreclosed on a loan or something!! Dreadfully sad.

    belleek (did you get this twice? sorry!)

  12. I love this photo. My mother worked in a drugstore in downtown Bradenton when I was growing up. I spend mornings there where I had my breakfast and then walked to school from there.

    It was on the main floor of the professional office building, and so lawyers and doctors all came there to eat, so I ate breakfast with all the "big" people in town.

    Those are "simple" memories I'll never forget and will always cherish.

  13. I had to thing deeply for this one. But what is more simple than a landscape ...

  14. Perfectly simple. Looks like a great little diner.

  15. I have one from a couple of weeks ago that fits, enjoy.

  16. This is a great theme, Carmi - good choice. You can see my simple here.

  17. I love photos that take me back to a simpler time.

    Mine's up :)

  18. I just posted a photo and then decided to include it in the theme... and I have to mention that I love the simple nostalgia of your photo.

    Here is mine.

  19. Just happened upon this site today....and was hooked right away! The drugstore picture reminds me of my teenage days....going to a drugstore like get rootbeer floats....ymmmmm. I posted my theme pic over on my Blog..'View through my camera lens'. Now I just have to figure out how to link that to this site.....

  20. Here is mine:

  21. I remember soda fountains! That was a simpler time and I miss it! Well, we can always count on a good snow storm to remind us that something as simple as a field of untouched white snow can bring a simple pleasure. So I have photos of snow and ice.

  22. I love capturing simple pleasures on film... they make the best photos.

    See my "simple" post for one from northern Italy...

  23. A wonderful picture, Carmi.

    I posted a few on the Simple theme this morning. Hope you like them.

  24. it looks very sad to me

    here's my simple

  25. Thank-you for the idea! Here's mine.

  26. I like it. :-)

    I took this yesterday. It's called Little Red Flier.

  27. I just found your theme site and decided to submit a simple photo. Here is mine:

  28. I love lunch counters. Around here, they're a thing of the past.

  29. love your photo, I always do!

    Here's my "simple"
    I guess I just call it Lake Michigan

  30. ...don't think I've ever been anywhere like this pic

    my take is here

    just the image

  31. I'll try my simple photo. It's an old one from my blog

  32. I love it, and I do remember soda fountains. Do they even exist anymore?

    My simple photo is here:


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