
Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Wordless Wednesday - Pancaked

What's for breakfast?
London, ON, March 2009 [Click to embiggen]
What's the deal with this picture? It's a kitchen week. We're kitchening (yes, I invent words) for the next day or so, so if you're still hankering to share a pic of something in your eating/food preparation area, click here. Keep reading for an important message from this Thematic Photographic sponsor.
My wife is, without a doubt, an incredible cook. It's hard for me to keep the kids entertained with my attempts at grilled cheese, omelettes and banana bread when mom consistently sets the bar as high as she does. The good news: we're well fed. The surprise in all of this? That I don't weigh 300 pounds.

To wit, behold her pancakes. I can't just eat them and be done with it. I have to explore them with the camera before I tuck in. Because pictures help me remember how it feels to walk into the kitchen when everything is right with the world.

Some folks will look at this picture and see flapjacks. They're missing out on the full story.

Your turn: Happiness around the breakfast table. Please discuss.

Ah yes, the Thematic Photographic thing: We're still taking kitchen-themed submissions, and will continue doing so until 7 p.m. ET Wednesday. Head here to take part in that. At that precise time, I will be posting the new theme for the coming week. What is it? Glad you asked...

Start thinking about how you want to tackle it, and please check back tomorrow evening for the opening photo.


  1. WOW, check it out! I just KNOW you noticed the image of the prophet Elijah and saved the pancake and did not just eat it mindlessly?

    Oh dear.... my my

  2. I'm not much of a fan of sweet breakfasts, so I usually don't have pancakes - but when my son was in junior high and had friends stay over, there was nothing more fun than to mix up a big bowl of pancake batter and cook up huge stacks of them for the ravenous beasts!

  3. We had blueberry pancakes for supper last night! :)

  4. awww...pancakes..not just for Strove Tuesday! They look yummy..I think we know what we're having for breakfast tomorrow!

    I took a picture of an apple pie I baked once..I should post it.


  5. yummo!!!

    here's mine:

  6. "Because pictures help me remember how it feels to walk into the kitchen when everything is right with the world."

    I love this sentence.

    Pancakes are great for any meal of the day.

  7. MMMM, exploring the terrain of hot cakes! And the scent is great too, Carmi. Aloha-

  8. They have that fresh out of the oven look, yum. I bet they're good enough to eat w/out syrup.

  9. Makes me want to make pancakes this coming weekend :)

  10. Yum! Pancakes are a favorite weekend breakfast around here :).

  11. I prefer waffles -- with peanut butter & jelly. heh heh.

    In days gone by, I would make pancakes for the kids in the shape of Micky Mouse -- and teddy bears (only simple pours)

  12. Looks yummy. :D

    Happy WW! My entry is here.

  13. Delish! I make a pretty rad pancake too, but that is about it. Sad to admit I am not much of a cook. I think it is genetic. My mom wasn't a great cook either. Shhhh...don't tell her I said so!

  14. Pancakes are one of my daughter's weekend favorites, and mine too. We do breakfast for dinner a couple nights a month and any kind of pancake ranks high on the list. I like to let her help, and she enjoys being the chef.

    Tabbikat's Thoughts

  15. Nice choice - they look yummy!

    I was all excited about the kitchen theme and then got laid off from my job as a kitchen designer last Thursday so I really haven't wanted to think "kitcheny" at all! Guess now I need to figure out what I want to be when I grow up ;)

  16. Pancakes are my favorite, this photo is making want to have some right now! Nice photo.

    Mine's here:
    Mix Pix

  17. Kitchening......Yeah it could be a word ;-)Cool shot they do look tasty.

  18. I love pancakes .. maybe 1 or 2 .. lots of syrup .. easy on the butter .. but did you know pancakes seem to expand once they get into your tummy? Seems that way to me .. so a nice drink of coffee or milk would be nice to 'wash' it down .. Drink photo will happen this weekend .. did you ever see my Kitchen toaster shot, I posted it on Monday?

  19. Mmmm...they look really good. Great shot too. Love the light.

  20. WOW, those pancakes look very yummy and looking at them right now, where it is breakfast time, doesn't help me one bit.


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