
Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Thematic Photographic 55 - Cloudy

London, ON, April 2009 [Click to embiggen]

I've chosen "cloudy" as this week's Thematic Photographic theme for a couple of reasons:
  • It's easy. There's always something going on up there. We simply need an excuse to take a moment to look up.
  • It's inspirational. After seeing a sky painted with almost indescribable color and texture, it's difficult to not feel moved in some way. Whenever I need to break free from the mundane minutae of everyday life, a bit of head-in-the-clouds time usually clears my head.
Your turn: For the next week, I'd like you to point your camera into the clouds, then share what you get by posting it to your blog and leaving the link in a comment here. I'm looking forward to seeing the diversity of cloudy visions in your work. Have fun with it!

For more info on how Thematic Photographic works, read on:
  • Every Wednesday evening, at precisely 7 o'clock Eastern, I post a new Thematic Photographic entry.
  • Each entry has a unique theme. This week's is...cloudy!
  • You post a similarly themed image over on your blog.
  • You paste a link to your entry in a comment here.
  • If you've already posted something that fits (on a blog, Facebook, MySpace, wherever) simply post the link to the existing entry. Old or new, all photos are welcome.
  • You may post as many photos or links as you wish. For the next week, I'll be supporting this theme with a related picture/posting each day. I encourage you to do the same. This is all about sharing, so feel free to share to your heart's content!
  • Please share this link with friends, too, and encourage them to join in. The more, the merrier.
  • And please accept my thanks for your enthusiasm. Your participation has made TP a true highlight for me each and every week.


  1. Well, I coulda opened with a skyscape -- like this magnificent example -- and you can be sure I'll have some before the week is out, but this TP has a kind of special meaning for me... so I opted to go for a hybrid theme -- emphasis on the cloudy part, but with a couple of twists.

    Submitted for your approval:
    Thematic Photographic 55: "Cloudy" v.1.0

  2. I love photos of clouds! Mine are up.

  3. Lovely!! There's nothing more fascinating than watching the clouds in the sky!

    I tweaked the idea, since I know I will have pictures of clouds later. Here I have a cloudy picture:

  4. I am obsessed with clouds so this was a hard choice for me.

    My entry

  5. Great photo. I'm going to attempt this. Mine is up HERE

  6. I'm obsessed with clouds. My grandmother told me I was like that even as a little girl.

  7. I love your clouds here CArmi. I am on holiday in the USVI and it has been a bit cloudy here but just GORGEOUS! Check out my silvery clouds here:

    And if you want more beachy clouds, stay tuned :)

  8. Lovley shot Carmi!
    There is something really special about clouds and skys :)

    Mine is up!


  9. This one sounds fun - I like themes! And I had actually posted clouds for another meme today -- so here's my link!

  10. Learned about you at Thom's and thought this looked like fun so I'm participating for the first time today.

    my entry

  11. I am playing along. I love cloud photos.

  12. Back for Round 2 with another shot from the same day as Round 1. This one's not quite so warm and fuzzy though.

    Thematic Photographic 55: "Cloudy" v.2.0

  13. Just found this. First time joining!

    Mine's HERE

  14. I can always use more "head in the clouds" time. Here's my cloudy entry:

  15. Mine us UP!

    Our skies have been clear blue's the heat. But maybe this weekend I can catch some actual cloud shots.

  16. We have had plenty of rain clouds.. but not this evening shot... nice clouds, fluffy clouds, clouds to lay on the ground and stare up and try to make cloud pictures from... sweet clouds are here.

  17. Mine is up Carmi :-)

  18. Storm was approaching as we were leaving the cemetery.

  19. Fantastic sky shot, Carmi! Here is my submission:

  20. I'm running a bit late this week - here are my cloudy contributions.

  21. I've got another one up. Clouds are fun!

  22. I missed it this wek, but I might be able to find something next time around....

    Amazing photo by the way.

  23. beautiful and unique sky shot!

  24. My second post for cloudy is up! :)

    Have a great weekend!


  25. Clouds are very interesting to look at !

    You can find my entry at:

  26. I'm turning back the clock again to a former TP from last summer -- just abotu this time in fact. The theme was "Sky" (TP 5) and three other shots from this series appeared in a single post. Not wanting to "wear it out" I stayed away from the rest and pretty much forgot about them until now.

    But since I'm in a retrospective state of mind this week, this seemed like the perfect time to dive back in.

    Thematic Photographic 55: "Cloudy" v.3.0

  27. I looked at the sky for the last two days, and finally found a shot I wanted. From my front porch - ahhhh.

  28. Hi everyone, great theme Carmi.

    Here is Mine

    Have a great week people.

  29. Wonderful theme this week. I shoot clouds a lot. We had one heck of a rainstorm that came screaming in tonight and I captured the clouds that followed.

    Love all your shots, Carmi. They're beautiful.

  30. Here in the North East USA we've been looking at rain clouds for almost 3 weeks straight. But the skies opened up for us a bit this weekend, and I was so glad to be paying attention.

    Please stop by and check them out:

    I look forward to exploring those of the rest of you here!

  31. I just came across this blog, and had just happen to be photographing clouds on the 26th. I noticed the clouds, and then looked for a good foreground.

  32. I've got a couple more cloudies up tonight - my timing is off, but there they are.


  33. I guess I'm better late than not at all with my choices this week. The last photograph is of a type of cloud I've only seen once. There are some beautiful photographs from everyone this week.

  34. I didn't know your theme this week was cloudy... what a coincidence.

    Here's mine...

    What do you think?


  35. Love this theme Carmi and your reasons for chosing it. Really have enjoyed your photos.

    Dislocated my kneecap a few weeks ago, which kept me away from many blogging and other life activities. However, it didn't keep me from the trip where I took the photos that I've posted for "cloudy."

    My Cloudy Photos

  36. Carmi, no matter how many wonderful photos your comments expose me to every week, your photo is always among the best. You definitely have a great eye.

    Participating here started taking up too much room on my blog, so I started a new one just for photos. Hope you'll stop by. Here's a link specifically to my Thematic Photographs:
    Thanks for the inspiration!

  37. Found this "cloudy" photo in my archives and thought I'd slip it in here at the last minute before the week was up.

    Hawai'i was nice but I still love the skies in my home state home.



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