
Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Thematic Photographic 61 - Lines

No curves allowed
London, ON, May 2009 [Click to embiggen]

Like so many Thematic Photographic themes, it's entirely up to you whether you want to interpret it literally - as I have here - or somewhat more figuratively. We've got a whole week to explore it, so please don't feel compelled to stick to one or the other. I'm an equal opportunity theme-follower, after all, and I enjoy the company.

Your turn: If you're into lines and you want to share your own linear vision, click on the comment link below and dive right in. Here's how TP works:
  • Every Wednesday evening, at precisely 7 o'clock Eastern, I post a new Thematic Photographic entry.
  • Each entry has a unique theme. This week's is...lines!
  • You post a similarly themed image over on your blog.
  • You paste a link to your entry in a comment here.
  • If you've already posted something that fits (on a blog, Facebook, MySpace, wherever) simply post the link to the existing entry. Old or new, all photos are welcome.
  • You may post as many photos or links as you wish. For the next week, I'll be supporting this theme with a related picture/posting each day. I encourage you to do the same. This is all about sharing, so feel free to share to your heart's content!
  • Please share this link with friends, too, and encourage them to join in. The more, the merrier.
  • And please accept my thanks for your enthusiasm. Your participation has made TP a true highlight for me each and every week.


  1. Wow! I've never been first before!

    I knew immediately what I wanted to post when I saw this week's challenge. It's about what I do every day.

    Check it out at

  2. Don't I know this building? Seems like you've featured other views of it before... Toronto, right? Royal Bank maybe? No?

    I was mentally thumbing through the archives while editing some new material from Topsail when this gem fell into my lap. Okay it wasn't actually my lap, it was my Photoshop window. But still...

    Thematic Photographic 61: "Lines" v.1.0 - "Vanishing Point (No, Not The Movie)"

  3. Reminds me of The Pan Am Building in New York, Carmi! I see it as a beautiful structure. Others hated it for blocking their view of Park Avenue. Like that building, this one reminds me what I've heard many architects say. Namely, that there is inherent beauty in the building's materials! I enjoyed this!!

  4. That is great Carmi. I have a building in mine as well LOL. Mine is up HERE. Have a great Thursday everyone :) Aloha

  5. Neat building Carmi.

    Went through my images looking for lines. This week I will keep my eyes open for more examples to shoot and post. This is such fun!

    Here you go:

  6. Great shot Carmi!

    My first post for lines is up :)


  7. I am IN this week! Life's been busy - but thanks to Thom for reminding me today!

    Mine's here.

  8. Hey, I'm in!! I've got LINES up. I couldn't do Laundry, but I can do lines.

  9. What a beautifully clean and simple photo. I'm having a harder time than I thought finding a photo that I like that says "lines" to me. Will try and come back tonight or tomorrow to post one

  10. And Round 2 takes us to an old familiar haunt of mine. I didn't get what I went out there for, but I didn't come home with nothin' either.

    Thematic Photographic 61: "Lines" v.2.0 - "Zoom Lines"

  11. My contribution for this week is here

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Now my line is up!

  14. My second version is up! :)

    Have a great weekend!

  15. Hi, I am new here. I am happy to find your site.

    Mine is here: Capturing Tranquility

  16. Lines is the challenge for this week. Count me in:

  17. The clans gathered today at Longbranch Park, Syracuse, NY to celebrate the 68th Central New York Scottish Games & Celtic Festival. As the bands lined up, took this photo.

  18. A great start to the theme, Carmi!

    Mine is here -

    Have a good weekend!

  19. Now my second contribution is up


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