
Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Thematic Photographic 62 - Abandoned

Piped in
Mallorytown, ON, July 2009 [Click to enlarge]

I like shooting sad. I'm not a sad person - pensive, maybe, and perhaps somewhat thoughtful when I need to be, but definitely not sad - but I enjoy what sad looks like and how it tends to make us a bit more reflective than we otherwise might be.

Which is my way of explaining why I chose this week's Thematic Photographic theme, abandoned. When I walk around a place like this, I like to close my eyes and imagine what it must have been like when it was new, what the people who were here - and have since vanished - were like and what it felt like to stand in this very spot at a very different point in time.

In fact, time does things to a place, some nice and some not so nice. And when the world moves on, we're left with empty, sometimes scary spaces that make us wonder what was, and what happened to change it all.

Your turn: I hope you'll join Thematic Photographic this week by sharing an abandoned-themed photo, then posting the link in a comment here. For more background on how TP works, read on:
  • Every Wednesday evening, at precisely 7 o'clock Eastern, I post a new Thematic Photographic entry.
  • Each entry has a unique theme. This week's is...abandoned!
  • You post a similarly themed image over on your blog.
  • You paste a link to your entry in a comment here.
  • If you've already posted something that fits (on a blog, Facebook, MySpace, wherever) simply post the link to the existing entry. Old or new, all photos are welcome.
  • You may post as many photos or links as you wish. For the next week, I'll be supporting this theme with a related picture/posting each day. I encourage you to do the same. This is all about sharing, so feel free to share to your heart's content!
  • Please share this link with friends, too, and encourage them to join in. The more, the merrier.
  • And please accept my thanks for your enthusiasm. Your participation has made TP a true highlight for me each and every week.


  1. I know EXACTLY what photo I'm using for this... it will be up in the morning!

    This is an interesting choice you used Carmi... I'm not sure I would have knOwn it was abandoned if you didn't tell me so... I'm wondering what else you have up your sleeve this week.

  2. I just posted on my blog about a treasure that I found yesterday ... an abandoned treasure, so I've updated the post to include it in this week's entries :)

    Found Treasure

  3. Rural areas in the United States of America hold lots of abandoned treasures. All one has to do is walk along a highway, look behind an outhouse or use a metal detector. One may find a rusty horseshoe or old pieces of china but I found an abandoned brake rotor. Here is my entry:

  4. I have the same fixation with "urban ruins". Somehow they speak to me. And I knew as soon as I saw the theme what I'd be opening with. I also knew I'd have the whole week lined up in no time at all and I was right. It's just a matter of doing all the markup now.

    Meanwhile, I offer:
    Thematic Photographic 62: "Abandoned" v.1.0 - "222 N. Dawson"

  5. I like anything rusty or weathered. My choice is here

  6. This was a hard word I thought Carmi in the beginning. I enjoyed the challenge. Mine is up HERE. Excellent choice and I liked your explanation. Keep up the good work . Aloha :)

  7. Abandoned buildings is for me spooky. I seldom have the courage to approach ;-). Like your sad and abandoned photo.

  8. Carmi, long time no see! I am here by way of Melli's blog. Your theme today called to me. I'm playing along. My post is here: Abandoned

  9. Like, Melli, I wouldn't have known this was abandoned had you not told me. I am surprised at how remarkably clean everything looks. Perhaps it hasn't been abandoned long?

  10. I think this is a very interesting theme you chose. It will be interesting to see what everyone does with this theme. I hope to get a visit from you too this time, it's the third or the fourth time I'm doing TP and I have never had the honor of a visit from you! Anyway, mine is up, it's

  11. I love this is one of my favorites. I, too, hope you will stop by and check out my journal/blog. Here is my entry:

  12. This is my first version of Abandoned Carmi, I will have no problems finding more shots..

    Abandoned is a part of me.


  13. Guess I should post my link... duh!
    Mine is HERE!

  14. Interesting assignment and amazing photos as always. Here is mine

  15. Sorry, I am having a heck of time figuring out how to post a one word link here. Help??

  16. Hey!
    Been here a lot recently,
    always makes me think

    There's shed loads of abandoned streets around where I'm working these days.
    Half a street was ( just) standing this 5pm it was flattened earth with an embankment thrown up around the echoes of living

    mine is here

  17. A rainy day, a cute little girl is watching her balloon float away,unaware she has dropped her ice cream cone, which is just out of reach of the soaked, adorable golden lab puppy that is unable to lick the last tasty remnants being washed away by the rain.

    Dude -that's sad.

  18. Carmi.....I have been SWIMMING in thoughts since you posted the theme and went all over town with my head in the clouds. My piece does have a photo.....but I ended up writing a freaking essay.....or perhaps the first draft of a chapter.
    I do have other "takes" on this topic and in fact was going to post a piece on homelessness to go with a bunch of photos I took of a spots along the river where people of living in tents and tarps....will do that later.

    In the meantime........I posted a missive!!! I like the photo too. ;)

  19. My second version of Abandoned is up! :)


  20. This week at a forum held by the mayor a neighbor described this abandoned house as so bad that wildlife refuses to live in it.

  21. For my second entry into this theme, I picked my second-favorite abandoned subject. Another derelict that has sooo much potential if someone with the funding and the vision would just see it.
    Thematic Photographic 62: "Abandoned" v.2.0 - "A Freightful Scene"

  22. I always wonder about what story lies behind the abandoned things. Often abandoned houses looks scary and spooky, but mostly sad.

    Here is my contribution:

  23. I missed a couple of weeks, but am back

    Look forward to perusing the great photos this week!

  24. I think a photo from my recent trip to York is ideal for this. See what you think...

  25. Hi Carmi

    After a long avbsence here is my offering taken today on Abandoned

  26. It has been a while since I have posted and thought your theme this week would help me get me going again. Here's my link.

  27. I found this abandoned train recently.


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