
Friday, October 30, 2009

Color, reflected

Where water meets earth meets sky
Laval, QC, October 2009

It's been a gloomy week of nasty surprises around here, and as I look at my writing, I realize my words have been reflective of my mood. Not good, but it is what it is.

To counter the murk, I thought I'd grab some of the more colorful scenes I've viewed through the lens in recent weeks. A mere photo can't change anything that's happened, or the scenario that's left in its wake, but it can at least provide a quick moment of light to slash through the darkness. For now, that'll have to be enough.

Your turn: Seen any good fall colors this week? Do tell.

One more thing: This photo supports this week's Thematic theme, leaves. I realize I'm stretching it a bit - these are but reflections. But when you think about it, all photos are reflections to begin with. Head over here to share your own.


  1. This ought to be a jigsaw puzzle Carmi. I love how the disturbed surface of the water gives it that Monet-ish look.

    Fall round here is one of those things you might miss if you oversleep. And given my daily battles with the snooze button, I miss a lot of it. But I did manage to snag a little splash of the color over the weekend. What there was of it.

    Thematic Photographic 73: "Leaves" v.3.0 - Leavin' On that Midnight Train

    And a bit more leafy, but hardly autumnal was this scene.

    Thematic Photographic 73: "Leaves" v.2.0 - Leaves of Spring

  2. That's stunning!! It qualifies in my mind.

  3. Over here in Wisconsin, the leaves are all on the ground. It is turning brown already, but a couple of weeks ago it was beautiful driving through the beautiful trees on a sunny day. I must say it has not been the best year for color around here though. Things were not as bright and beautiful as in years past. But I love this time of year and try to get outside as much as possible to enjoy it.


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