
Sunday, February 21, 2010


He sleeps everywhere
Laval, QC, August 2009
About this photo: It's "at rest" week through next Wednesday. If you'd like to share your own similarly-themed Thematic Photographic moment, please click here.
It's been a while since Frasier appeared on the blog, so I thought I'd take this moment to catch you up on what he's been up to of late:
  • He sleeps. A lot. Location, as you can see, doesn't seem to be much of an issue for him.
  • He barks. A lot. Especially if he's just met you or if you're a dog person.
  • He smells. That's largely our fault, as he's way overdue for his grooming. But I am, for some reason, not mortified by dog smell. I'm odd that way.
  • He eats garbage. I don't understand the appeal, but if I had a dollar for every time we returned home to a trail of stinkage winding its way through the kitchen, I'd be rich. At least he sort of feels some guilt afterward, as he walks up to us with his head bowed and eyes averted.
  • He steals food. Nothing is safe unless it's stored way high. The latest victim: a bagel that was sitting in the middle of the kitchen table. Oh, and the Ziploc bag of oatmeal cookies that be dug out of my camera bag. I never knew dogs liked oatmeal.
On reflection, this isn't a whole lot removed from his usual state of being. There's something to be said for the predictability of a dog's life, and warts and all he remains quite the charmer and, more importantly, quite a pillar of our kids' lives.

Your turn: What do dogs dream about?


  1. Other than the barking, he sounds a lot like a cat... ;)

  2. The first thing I noticed was the pull-preventing harness. Our first cocker was horrible about pulling on the leash, but the Yuppie Puppy saved the day.

  3. Well... Daisy does the sleep thing.
    But it has been a couple of months since she barked... I believe the last was at the doorbell when the UPS man came... but he comes often, so I really don't know what that was about. Even the squirrels don't tempt her anymore.
    She doesn't steal food, unless dropped on the floor... she is a vacuum that way. But she has decided that she wants her Grandmother to feed her her food with a spoon... yes, sits all day until Mom gets the spoon out.
    I thought she acted more like a cat.. but the cats won't eat from a spoon. Basically, dogs are weird.

  4. He may be a pain in the butt, but I just adore our sweet furry, friend. He's more than a friend, he's family.

    He desperately needs a haircut, but not too smelly, we bathed him not too long ago.

    He's a bed stealer, garbage picker, mess maker and I would have him no other way!!

    I don't think he dreams...all of his dreams came true when he came to live in this crazy household (he fits right in!) and became the spoiled pooch of the house!


  5. What does my dog dream of? I couldn't say. He's not one of those who runs in his sleep.

    But I can't help but comment on how clever it was of you to get a rug the same color as your dog. Or vice versa (don't know which came first). The hairs show up SO much less!


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