
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Loafing around

London, ON, August 2010
[Click photo to embiggen]
About this photo: We're wrapping up our "savour" week and getting ready for the new Thematic Photographic theme. It bows tomorrow (Thursday) at 7 p.m. Eastern. If you haven't done the savour thing yet - or even if you have and are still addicted to the insanity - click here to get in under the wire.
Bread may be the carb-laden enemy of new-millenium good health zealots everywhere, but there's nothing like hanging around the house as the bread machine works its magic. I grew up in a part of the world where bakeries were integral anchors of virtually every neighborhood, and to close your eyes and smell fresh-baked bread throughout the house is about as close to olfactory heaven as you'll get in this Age of Wonderbread.

So when my wife loaded up our bread machine and hit the on button, I waited patiently until she set the resulting loaf on the counter to cool. It seemed appropriate to remember the sight with a picture. Sadly, my Nikon wasn't able to capture the delicious scent.

Your turn: Do you make your own bread? Why is this simple domestic act so comforting?


  1. Well I don't make my own bread simply because a loaf would be eaten smeared with butter and jam within 24 hours. Store-bought bread can last a whole week taking piece by piece out of the freezer.

  2. I finally purchased a bread machine so looking forward to having a warm slice of homemade bread. The first crispy crusted loaf and the first bite of the warm homemade bread I ended up chipping a tooth. It was embarrassing telling that to the dentist...

  3. at first glance i saw a sponge...i thought mebbe you were trying to pull a fast one...

    then i realized it was bread..

    i do not know the first thing about baking bread, but i sure know how to eat it, much to the chagrin of my waist...

  4. Bread may be loaded with carbs, but that doesn't stop me from eating way more of it than I should. If there's bread sitting in front of me, I don't even bother trying to walk away. It just feels wrong.

    When my grandmother makes bread, I love to watch the bread machine work. Especially when the dough forms a ball and it "hops" around inside. And watching it bake in the same machine? Even more awesome. There's nothing better than having a warm slice of bread fresh, putting some butter on it, and topping it with cinnamon. It's a snack I wish I could have more. Sadly, she only busts out the homemade bread for Holidays now. :(

  5. Oh yes, we too have a bread machine that should get used more than it does....where does the time go? But you give me the urge to smell a fresh loaf of something yummy!...or is too late, still waiting for the dryer to finish, but as per usual tomorrow will be better, this time!...oh yes in the first year of marriage I made my frist bread by scratch (the over night method of rising) along with our first batch of stretch the taffy!!!!

  6. I use my bread machine several times a week; when my oldest son comes home from college, we will probably use it every single night! I love the process of adding small amounts of wheat bran until the dough is the perfect consistency, and I love the scent released when I remove the bread from the machine. (I try to leave most of the eating to the menfolk in my family.)
    I have only made bread by hand a time or two, but it was incredibly satisfying and fulfilling for me as a homemaker. (It's also a lot of work for something that disappears so quickly!)

  7. mmmmm ... homemade bread. It doesn't get any better than that.

  8. I don't even eat bread! I know, commit me! Yes, I'm one of the health zealouts.
    As a result, I avoid anywhere where a bakery might be located: malls, cozy Italian neighbourhoods...the province of Quebec, which is a shame since I'm from see my predicament.
    I bet your house smelled delicious once your wife hit the 'on' button of the bread machine...see, yet another place I won't be going to!
    BTW I think you have the coolest job in the world!

  9. Hahaha..when I looked at the picture, I thought you were going to discuss about Mars, the red planet.

  10. YUM...i haven't made homemade bread in forever think i might have to after reading this to the kitchen with me :)


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