
Thursday, November 18, 2010

Shattered ground

Impending doom
Laval, QC, August 2009
Please note: This photo winds down our black & white* week. Click here if you've got any last-minute sharing to do. We launch our new Thematic theme, candid, tonight at 7:00 Eastern. Check back then!
The roads in and around Montreal, Quebec, Canada are subject to some very serious environmental challenges, which largely explains why you need springs under your car seat to survive pothole season. I grew up there, and when we moved away to a warmer place on the planet, my kidneys thanked me.

Freeze-thaw cycles are deadly to roads in this region, because water seeps in, then freezes and expands. As the processes repeats before, during and following winter, the pavement literally crumbles or shatters. If it isn't developing suspension-jarring potholes, it's cracking in spectacular - and potentially dangerous - form.

But when I'm not driving on it, I'm taking pictures of it. Because even something so destructive can have a redeeming quality or two.

Your turn: How do you find the positive in the negative?

* I think we all had a lot of fun with the black & white theme. I'm open to a sepia-themed week if you're all game. Let me know and I'll make it so. Either way, new Thematic launches tonight at 7:00 p.m. Eastern. Thanks!


  1. Out here in Utah, where temps in a single year can vary t from 114 F in the desert to 40 below zero F. in the mountains, we understand the whole pot hole concept very well also.

  2. With the way my life has been ( not to sound negative) I look at what has come my way as life lessons...and boy, am I getting a lot of lessons this year and especially this month!.
    I could on the other hand take what has been given to me and play the victim.. I refuse to do that because that's a negative outlook and do I really want the pity of people?

  3. i usually add up all the issues subtract all the negative ones then divide it all by "PI" 'r' that time i forget what the negative is cuz im alll MathConfuzzled...

    wait...what was the question again??? works great every time...

    or i vent on a blog..yeah that too...

    but seriously if it is not life or death...well it jsut comes down to perpsective...i am a half full guy negativity will kill you...

  4. I so love the way your thematic photography knows no bounds! You continually amaze me with your creativity, titles...themes...especially after doing it for so long. You have a real gift. :) I love friends that inspire and and invoke thoughtfulness...I'm grateful to call Carmi my friend!


  5. After taking up photography I have found that what most would consider the ugliest sights are where I find my most beautiful photographs.

    I can't wait to be full of wrinkles, so then I can start taking self-portraits of a face that actually says something without talking.

  6. i look at each day as a gift so that no matter what happens i tell myself that this is a priceless gift and i should cherish it no matter what.

  7. Funny, I asked this very question on my own blog today!
    I have found that even terrible circumstances and incidents usually have a pretty shiny side when seen later in life. Keeping that in mind is important when you are in the thick of something bad. I have also learned that no matter what, God is there with me. He has never left me forsaken or alone.

    Our street looked like that in February, although I couldn't really see it until the ice melted away.

  8. Sometimes you don't find the positive... you simply have to create it!

  9. I love the way you described taking this photo! I agree the man admiring the wiew makes the picture.

  10. Thanks for visiting my blog Carmi :) I think you are really good at finding positive within the negative. I will try to do that more often as well!


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