
Sunday, November 14, 2010

Something wicked this way comes

Building sky
Laval, QC, July 2009
[Click photo to enlarge. Click here to share your own black & white pic]

Remember when we were kids and we'd lie on the lawn for hours at a stretch, staring at the passing clouds and trying to guess what they looked like? Don't tell anyone I'm still doing this well into adulthood. Who says there's a threshold for wonder, anyway?

The day I took this shot, I wasn't lying on the lawn. I was in the middle of what seemed to be the largest parking lot this side of a Boeing factory or a Texas football stadium. It was a hot, muggy summer day that promised to turn into a late-afternoon thunderfest. As we waited for the atmospheric entertainment to play itself out, the skies looked so, I don't know, rich with potential. I knew something was going on up there, so I picked up my decidedly non-childlike slab of a camera and tried to remember the feel of the moment.

When I was finished shooting, I reviewed the results on my camera's screen and thought I saw my dog's head over there on the right. Maybe I was just imagining it.

Your turn: What do you see in this sky? Do you stare at clouds, too?


  1. Clouds are always fascinating to watch, at whatever age. Although, personally, I think this looks more like a dragon’s head.
    The enigmatic, masked blogger

  2. I saw a cat laying down with its paws out in front...

  3. clouds!! always changing...and so much to see!! i spotted a head over there to the right side...but not a dog...i saw some other kind of 'monster' head. hmmmmm....

  4. Best thing to do on a long road trip, besides listening to music.

  5. I'm a cloud watcher too. The last cloud formation photo I took was of one that looked like a very large angel.

  6. Wow. I thought you must've taken this out of a plane window; it looks so close-up and personal.
    Beautiful, beautiful shot.

  7. Awesome...

    i look at clouds occasionally. and am still awed...

    this past summer when TuckMonster was a smaller pup, i laid down in the grass and watched the clouds roll by while i held his chewy toy while he chopped and felt peace...

    then TM jumped on my head....

  8. I was thinking a cat's head, but a dog will do as well!

  9. yeah, of course i stare at clouds!
    it's free, relaxing and boosts creativity.

    win win win

  10. my son says it looks like a fist coming through and i still lay on the lawn looking at clouds

  11. Billowing thunderheads always fascinate me -- and since they usually form on a too-hot summer afternoon, you can find me begging them to release their fury overhead.

    In that vein, I see the Loch Ness Monster rising from the loch.

  12. I think it looks like a dragon!
    Clouds are amazing aren't they?

  13. Clouds are fascinating. I think it looks like a head of a lion resting on the savanna on a hot day.

  14. On the left is a Poodle Head staring straight at us.


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