
Saturday, January 01, 2011

Another orbit complete

Boom, boom, pow
Arva, ON, July 2010
Click photo to embiggen
Click here for more faves of the year

I couldn't resist the opportunity to post something right at the stroke of midnight. Okay, I lie. I'm not actually posting this in person. I'm not sitting at my computer at this moment. I'm with my wife, kids, in-laws and aunt and uncle and we're probably doing something family-fun to mark the end of one year and the beginning of another.

This entry, then, is being auto-posted to the blog, courtesy of my lovely admin interface. Makes sense to start the year with a little bit of geek-fun, no?

Y'all know I'm not terribly fond of the whole resolution thing. But I am curious as to how you've all chosen to start off the new year. Do tell!


  1. With friends. No resolutions. No over-thinking the thing. Just good conversation about where we are, what we want. A hug and and "happy new year". And a rousing game of Pass the Pig. It just doesn't get any better!. Happy New Year one and all!

  2. I was at a small bluegrass concert (a CD release party) in the middle of nowhere -- dirt roads, anyone? And then I came home and we played Snapdragon with the kids.
    Glad you are enjoying the moment with family.

  3. What admin interface? Me wants it!
    Anyways, I spent 31/12/10 staying up till midnight, and am spending 1/1/11 writing poems for greetings and making a New Year blog post.

    Here's my New Year post:

  4. mine are <a href=">here</a>

  5. Happy New Year to you and your family!

  6. lovely shot :-)

  7. Happy New Year! Sorry I'm a little late to the party. I stopped making resolutions a long time ago. I decided if it's important on Jan. 1st it should be important every single other day of the year. I'm starting off the new year by wiping the slate clean, letting go of regrets and looking forward to what the future has in store for me. Wishing you and your family a happy and healthy 2011.


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