
Friday, March 25, 2011

Thematic Photographic 139 - March Madness

Let them eat cake
London, ON, March 2010

This week's Thematic theme, March Madness, comes to us courtesy of Dana, better known online as Awareness. A writer, a poet, a photographer and an incredibly astute observer of the human condition, her blog has been a must-read for me for years.

As you mull over what photos to share this week, keep the following in mind:
  • It must have been taken during the month of March
  • It should illustrate some semblance of madness, silliness or irreverence. If it makes you smile, it's good.
That's it. Off to the races we go...

Your turn:
Share a March Madness-themed pic on your site (or choose something that you already uploaded) and leave a comment here letting folks know where to find it. Visit other participants' sites to share the joy. Repeat as often as you wish through the week. Don't forget to smile. Thematic instructions, if you need 'em, are here.

About this photo: Why did I choose cake as my launch photo? Because closeups of cake are kinda silly. And it makes me smile every time I get ideas like this in my head and reach for the camera.


  1. In georgia there is nothing more maddening than our pollen count. yesterday was 3939. Mostly anything over 200 and there is an alert out where those with allergies and asthma are not supposed to be out doors. I'd say that the difference between 200 and 3939 would count as madness. Check out my post
    and the one before it for a look see at what it is like. There will probably be more as the week goes by.
    Johnina :^A

  2. Here is my March photo;

  3. Around here, March MAdness refers to one thing and one thing only - ACC Basketball!!

  4. As I'm still hibernating, I don't take many photos this time of year. I dug out one of DH's and found
    a really mad cat!

  5. I do not have any stunning photos to share, but madness? You want MADNESS? Honey, I teach junior high school; madness is chronic. Hormonal insanity is the NORM!
    Yeah, let me show you some madness.

    C'mon over and have a chuckle.

  6. Carmi!!! That sounds like FUN! I need to look at my March picchas & see what I've got :).

    And ANY reason to shoot cake pics is a good one to me :). Yum!!

  7. Tough call on this one. I thought I might have something but can't find it right now. I did, however, come across this recent photo illustrated post with a quote from Marilyn Monroe which suits the theme.

  8. Silly you say....I say your photo looks Yummy! So here is my March Madness taken early this morning ...and if the photo isn't silly enough for you...check out the video...especially towards the end of it!

  9. Here's a set of signs to make you smile
    Thanks for making me dig these out, I need a bit of silliness today !

  10. Here's my contribution to the madhouse:

  11. plenty of madness around here in the UK.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Here is my link:

  14. I’ve got a special kind of March madness: it’s the ice climbing season in the frozen country and the waterfalls are in the best possible shape for climbing.

    Click here for madness aplenty.

  15. thank you Carmi for the beautiful words! I can't believe it took me this long to post something on this theme! It truly is March Madness! Scrambling here to keep up with it all! Hope your family is on the mend!!! Summer is coming soon.....

  16. March Madness was hard for me to find, but I finally did today.

    Here's my take:

  17. It's been awhile since I participated...but I had a good one for this week :-)

  18. Nothing like waiting until the last day of March to do a March Madness thing... and with nothing at all to do with basketball. Our March came in like a lion and is going out like a lion with just a touch of lamb in between. I haven't checked to see if April will be better or just more "foolishness". March Madness must lead to April Foolishness. Mine is here, finally.


    March madness animal edition?


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