
Thursday, April 28, 2011

Thematic Photographic 144 - Happiness is...

Come on, get happy
London, ON
May 2010

Like the good ex-Montrealer that I am, I watched the Canadiens on television last night. Hockey isn't exactly in my blood - my playing career consisted of rag tag games of shinny on the questionably maintained outdoor rink in the park around the corner from my house - but I've always loved the feel of the game. It's the only pro sport in this country that remains rooted to its past to any degree, and no other game at this level feels quite as much ours.

So when the Habs lost to the Bruins in overtime, I felt the letdown and wished our iconic club could have gone further. But I didn't take to Twitter and Facebook to vent my extreme displeasure. I didn't march onto the street and rip my clothes in a Charlton Heston-esque display of overt, personal loss. When we wake up the morning after the season ends, we wake up, which is something that can't be said for many of us on this night.

I watched my dog watch the television and thought about how none of this - hockey, tornadoes, royal weddings and gas prices alike - matters to him. All he cared about at that moment was that someone was scratching him gently behind his ears and speaking quietly to him. He was happy.

And as I think about this sliver of birthday cake from last year (before the kids sang me happy birthday and demolished it), I can't help but think that whether your team, whatever team it may be, wins or loses is immaterial. As long as you're surrounded by those who would scratch you behind your ears, literal or figurative, you've got nothing to complain about. Charlton Heston would doubtless agree.

Your turn: I believe that happiness, as witnessed by my long-since-eaten cake, is a simple equation. What does happiness mean to you? We've got a week to explore it. Click here if you're new to Thematic. Otherwise, post your happiness-themed pic to your site (or point us toward something you've already shared), leave a comment here letting everyone know where to find it, and visit other participants to share the joy.


  1. Wow, Carmi... this is a great theme. Just so happens, it's one I've dedicated just a little time to over the years.

    Mine is right here.

  2. Huh... so not bridges, eh? So much for being psychic! My happiness post can be found here.

  3. Happiness for me is being outside! Hmmm...I'll have to figure out what to post for this one!

  4. Dogs rule, OK?

  5. I love this theme (LOVE!), and thus, am participating for the first time. Wife of mark, here via his blog :)

    My own entry can be found here

  6. Carmi...Thanks for such an up-liftingly-cheery theme! Hope you stop by and check out mine!

  7. That looked like a tasty cake! You're quite right in that happiness is usually found in the moment, not in the future or past as those are anticipation of potential happiness and memories of happiness. I had such a moment recently, alone in the woods photographing bluebells laying on my tummy :)

    I have a new blog now and am going to try to be a more frequent visitor here! BK

  8. Since another wedding was in the headlines this week, I thought I'd post a photo of a bride and groom .

  9. Happiness is...having a piece of that delicious looking cake! Here is my link.

  10. Right now I don't have photos to share,but my family is what brings my greatest happiness. Two weekends ago, my son got married and we had 5 of our 6 kids and 5 of our 10 grandchildren with us. Wonderful, wonderful! Then the tornadoes came to remind me of the treasures I have. If you watched fox news Thurs you saw the destruction in Spalding county Georgia where I live. This taught me to truly treasure what I have and what brings happiness into my life as I knew people who lost everything including family. Hard way to learn that lesson.

  11. It is good to think about what truly brings us happiness. And hard to capture that in a photo. Can you see the happy face in this one? Ha! Lame jokes make me happy too.

  12. Another great set of pictures. Hopefully I'm not too late, here are mine.


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