
Sunday, May 22, 2011

On self confidence

"Many great ideas have been lost because the people who had them could not stand being laughed at."
Source unknown

Your turn: Do you ever keep things to yourself out of fear of ridicule? What things?


  1. The things I use to keep to myself would be my opinions and my true feelings... The older I got, the more chutzpah I got... When I was younger I remember the countless times I would bite my tongue and then kick myself for not opening my mouth.. The older I got, my attitude changed.. I figured the worst that could happen would be to lose a friend- which would then mean that friend didn't really know me... Now I speak my mind.. My mom told me when I first got married to watch my tongue, especially w/my husband.. Well, I did in the beginning.. As we grew in our relationship I spoke up, I figured if he can be truthful, I can too.. Besides, what kind of a marriage would it be if I didn't say a word of how I felt?

  2. oops, the things I would keep quiet but now speak up about are my views on politics, religion, anything controversial... At my age, 'to hell w/it' as they say.. I was always told I was a good listener.. To be able to discuss you have to be a good listener.

  3. Most definitely. But I'm planning how to come out on my blog!

  4. Interesting thought...and my answers is yes! Slowly I'm gaining more confidence though. I guess it's a life long process.

  5. For sure I do, and will again...but there are sometimes other reasons besides that I do!

  6. The older I get the less I do that :) But then the more we speak our minds, we also need to learn how to do it with tact. That's not a problem, though.


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