
Wednesday, July 06, 2011

On blazing your own trail

"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."
Ralph Waldo Emerson
I thought it was particularly timely to share this one now, as I'm currently far from home a day after a long drive through pitch black, winding mountain roads filled with seemingly lobotomized drivers. Tomorrow I'll finish up my work here, pack the rental car and turn for home.

What awaits me at the other end makes the homeward leg infinitely preferable to the outbound one.

Your turn: How do you create your own path? (Sorry for my existentialism. Being alone in strange places seems to do that to me.)


  1. Timely indeed, sir.

    I've been feeling like I'm swimming hard against a vicious current down several of the paths that I'm supposed to be on...paths I should be happy on, but I'm not...

    Probably accounts for much of the inactivity on my blog of late. High time my family and I blaze our own trail. Thank you very much for this post.

  2. Aaaahh, Grasshopper.
    Only you can decide whether to follow the path of desire, or the path of reason.
    Do you accept the choices given,or forge your own path through the wilderness of life ?

    Master Po.

  3. Sometimes I've found the unplanned path is by far the happiest....and most successful...I have happened on places or things I never dreamed I would do until for unexplained reasons my trails led to that children have been the leaders in so many of my happy paths.....they just seem to keep things exciting!

  4. timely.....

    i have no idea how i create it, excpet poss through sheer stubborn-ness!


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