
Friday, July 22, 2011

On the futility of forecasting

"The economy depends as much on economists as the weather does on weather forecasters."
Jean-Paul Kauffmann
Mr. Kauffmann's words seem somewhat more relevant given that much of North America now swelters under temperatures that most of us will have forgotten by the time the first big snow hits, all as the U.S. government wrestles with historic levels of debt and impending budget crisis.

Lots of prognostication on both fronts, none of it anywhere remotely accurate or useful.

Your turn: Look into your crystal ball. What do you see?


  1. I see things not going so well as far as the environment.. Man has been too concerned w/technology and forsaken what their curiosity and need over what and how it will effect the land, water and air... I believe in Karma..
    I also see civil rights of any nature still being in the back seat... Hell, prop 8 in Cali can't get justice for the ones wanting a same sex union...and its been noted that where it has been allowed, people are penalized monetarily when it comes to insurance- initially being charged more just for stating their status.. is that fair?? HELL NO...

  2. I see despair all around. But through all the heaps of despair, we reach out on the blog and other media and connect to each other....

    Which is where my hope lies...

  3. I see big changes in life styles ahead for those who follow us. I see a very different day ahead for America and I do see us as less relevant in the grand global scheme of things. Perhaps our enthusiasm will keep our voices out there...?

  4. ...also giggling at the early polls associated with next years presidency in USA. Must be a way to fill up news channels?

  5. s the U.S. government wrestles with historic levels of debt and impending budget crisis.

    We have an unemployment crisis. We have a phony "debt ceiling crisis".

    The latter is being used as an excuse to go after Medicare and Social Security, while ignoring the former.

    It is Kabuki. Remember how 9/11 was used to lie the U.S. into war with Iraq? This is the same thing.

  6. what do i see?

    I see swathes of countries who will now have to relearn what community is all about.


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