
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

On being truly alive

"Don't ask yourself what the world needs, ask yourself what makes you come alive. And then go and do that. Because what the world needs is people who are alive."
Howard Thurman


  1. You hear that? That's the sound of both my hands clapping loud and long. Amen to that.

  2. great post!

    life is for living...i always love the blurbs you toss about.

    hope you have been well my i have been absent too long...

  3. A perfect summation of the goal of living.

  4. children need such encouragement.

    Crushing a child's talents is soul murder. Just saying. . . .

    Warm Aloha from Waikiki;

    Comfort Spiral

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    < ° ) } } > <

  5. I love that quote. It makes me feel so much better about spending endless time playing with a photo in photoshop!

  6. Love it! Now I shall spend endless time editing one photo without guilt!

  7. Thanks, Carmi. I've never heard anything put quite that way before and it answers a few questions I've been pondering lately.


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