
Monday, October 03, 2011

Your wish is my command

The key to it all
London, ON, May 2011

I'd like to close out this week's "it's in the details" Thematic theme* with this close-up view of something I spend a lot of time with. Wherever I am or whatever I'm up to, I'm never far from a keyboard. And if the stars are aligned, it's an Apple-branded keyboard. I don't mean to sound like a fanboy, but they've always made the best 'boards, and the flat-topped, Chiclet-like ones are about as good as it gets.

It's a little detail of everyday life that sticks with me, because it lets me share words without getting gummed up in the process. And it lets me write at night without disturbing my wife (backlit keys. Yay.) And it makes me smile. Because on closer inspection, little things aren't as little as they first seem to be.

Your turn: A little thing that makes a big difference to you is...?

* Our new Thematic theme, "Welcome autumn", launches tonight at precisely 7:00 Eastern. I wasn't sure when it made the most sense to go all seasonal, but I've been seeing enough mentions both online and in the real world, so I figure now is as good a time as any.


  1. a great little thing for me is, Being fearless and finding the courage to remove a huge Water Bug aka Toe Biter from a little dog's leg...and not getting bit in the process! Have you ever come across one of those buggy eyed creatures?! I did Saturday! Love this theme, although my best photo would be from last year, we still have summer hanging on...close to the 80's this week again! Hooray!

  2. You coming by and giving my photo of the Moss Landing Harbor at Dusk such an outstanding review!

  3. A dishwasher that actually gets the dishes clean.
    An internet connection that, well, connects.
    A husband that gets up with the 2 year old on Saturday morning so I can sleep in.
    and...a witty blogger that clearly has an obsession with his keyboard, thus making me smile at almost midnight.


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