
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Ever crunched a traffic cone?

Tightest slalom course ever
Mississauga, ON
December 2012
Click here for more Thematic multiples
Until the week that I took this picture, I had never crunched a traffic cone in my life. Not long after I shot this, that changed. In doing so, I learned that they really are tough, and they'll stand up to a lot more abuse than you might think. Which is good. I guess. Even better is learning this lesson in a controlled environment.

Still, wherever I'm driving in future, I'll do whatever I can to keep it between the lines, cones or not. It might be fun to drive a car like Goggles Paisano - correction, it is - but getting home in one piece is infinitely more rewarding.

Your turn: What are the first three words that come to mind when you see this line of cones?


  1. A cone? I actually managed to drive over an entire BARREL on the interstate in Arizona once. I want to say that the wind toppled it my direction. We were in a 15 passenger van at the time and the barrel didn't stand a chance. Scared me to death :)

  2. I dinked one on a motorway once.

    I think it had already moved out of line. I was quite surprised that it sort of pinged away like a little rocket.

    You might like the secret life of traffic cones


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