
Thursday, June 26, 2014

Before I have a chance to kill them

Beauty by the front door
London, ON
June 2014
Click here for more Thematic summer
It's easy to look around and be cynical about the world we live in. Hardly a day goes by that some radical group isn't blowing up innocents, some corrupt politician isn't getting caught, and some messed up family isn't taking advantage of the kindness of others.

It's enough to make you want to become the cynical get-off-my-lawn-spewing old man who seems to be the centrepiece of too many childhood memories.

Or maybe not.

Maybe you can look down the next time you step out in the morning, see something as impossibly lovely as that flowering plant your wife brought home a couple of weeks ago, and realize that the universe may not be such a wasteland after all.

Take the time, folks. Take the time.


  1. Yes, I applaud this amazing post, Carmi. It inspires Hope as all your posts do!


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