
Monday, August 11, 2014

Thematic Photographic 305 - Look straight down

Geometry below my feet
Laval, QC
August 2014
One of the small side effects of my medical misadventure last year - see here if you're just catching up - is I get a little dizzy if I'm not careful. It isn't remotely debilitating, and is certainly nowhere near the kind of vertigo that might stop other folks in their tracks. I think of it as a subtle message from my body that I need to slow things down for a few seconds.

It tends to happen when I'm either looking straight up or straight down (I can hear you now, "So, dummy Carmi, just don't look up or down!") Yes, I should do just that. But I really like to shoot pictures in all directions, and my journalist/photographer/endless-curiosity gene compels me to keep looking in all directions of the imaginary sphere that surrounds us all. I'll just have to deal with the minor consequences, I guess. Call it another adjustment to the new reality of a slightly altered life.

This picture is the scene 12 storeys below my father-in-law's balcony.The angles called to me, so I carefully braced myself six ways from Sunday and pointed my lens toward the center of the planet. I'm glad I did. I'm glad I still can.

Your turn: Point your lens downward at whatever tickles your vertical fancy. Post the look straight down-themed shot to your blog or website, then leave a comment here letting folks know where to find it. Remember, HOW you choose to interpret it is entirely up to you - there are no rights or wrongs here. The goal is purely creative and artistic. Visit other folks to share the fun, and please know you're welcome to share as many pics through the week as you wish. New participants are always welcome, too. For more info on how this Thematic thing works, head here. Otherwise, I can't wait to see what lurks under your nose. Happy shooting!


  1. I like your shot, Carmi - so green!

    Looking for a picture for this theme, I discovered that I tend to look up far more often than I look down. When I do, it seems to be at grandchildren and pets...

  2. here's mine

  3. Sensational capture Carmi. Such beautiful grass too! It does make me slightly dizzy, but these views can also do something to my tummy! Yikes! Fun perspective.
    Here's mine

  4. There looks too much grass there for me to cut.
    I have some shots looking straight down but I missed an opportunity last week to climb to the top of Richmond Castle.
    See whay I found instead -

  5. Lovely green!!

  6. The grass is greener...
    Great shot.
    Here's mine.

  7. No way, absolutely no way am I climbing up to look down!! So here are some I can take!

  8. Here is my (more or less) looking down photo. Probably taken at a slight angle rather than looking straight down, but it is the nearest I could get from my recent holiday photos.

  9. Hello, Carmi! It's been a long time, but I've been following on the sidelines. This week I am joining in with some photos that you might remember from a few years back. Here's my post for this week:

  10. Oh Carmi, that shot makes me feel completely ill. You have my sympathies

    :) My own all time favourite image was taken exactly that way, straight down and click. It was outside our local recycling and rubbish centre here in North Manchester (UK). Mercifully ( for me anyway) it was only wall high!

    See if i can find the link, it's on an old blog MMP

  11. Deleted it...rubbish bags!

    But here is the original unedited shot....liked it enough to crop and frame it . Hope you do too

  12. Didn't think I would be able to come up with anything for this theme as I also have balance issues and am terrified of heights, but I kept my feet on the ground and came up with this.


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