
Sunday, September 07, 2014

On remembering our best teachers

"The best teachers are those who show you where to look, but don't tell you what to see."
Alexandra K. Trenfor
Now that we're through the back-to-school rush, I thought this quote seemed especially appropriate. As my wife settles into her groove with a classroom full of new students, our youngest son completes his first week in high school and our daughter begins her final year before graduating, Ms. Trenfor's words seem to resonate even more strongly.

Many of us owe so much of who we ultimately become to the teachers who help us lay the foundations. The best of the best stand out in our memories, and even if we aren't thinking of them directly at any given moment, I like to think that their lessons show themselves, unheralded, in the things we do day-to-day.

I often wonder if they remember us the way we remember them. I often wonder if we're thankful enough for all they've given us.

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