
Sunday, June 07, 2015

Barking up the wrong tree

Did you ever notice how quickly trees in springtime can go from absolutely bare to completely, delightfully stuffed with leaves in what seems like a blink?

As if to underscore the point, my wife and I were out for a walk early last month when she noticed how empty the trees looked. I thought a "before" picture might be in order, so out came the camera.

The very next day, shoots of green appeared in the once-empty spaces above us. And a new season was underway. Yet again, she had taught me to look closely even if it seemed like nothing was happening.

Life has a funny way of exerting itself, of reminding us that it's always there, always on, and always ready to burst forth even when we've given up on it ever returning.

There's a lesson in there somewhere. Maybe I'll write about it another day.

1 comment:

  1. I *have* noticed that. I notice how nature moves forward, while I don't. For instance, I've had "clean off desk" on my to-do list for months and haven't made one bit of progress, while outside the bleeding hearts have finished blooming and the balloon flowers are forming their buds. But then, maybe nature knows better what is a good way to spend energy and time.


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